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Finn's POV
"I'm freaking out!" I yell into the phone, talking about my date tonight.

"Chill out!" The older Wolfhard shouts down the phone, that's right I'm talking to Nick

"How can I?" My breathing becomes faster, as I pace around my room, phone in hand.

"Chill dude. You're gonna pick her up, look like a million bucks and then you are going to ask her to be your girlfriend later that night." I can tell he's smiling right now

"Got it. Pick her up, ask her to be my girlfriend later." I repeat the words as my breathing calms into a steady pattern

"Good, now I gotta go but remember you can do this! Good luck and don't fuck it up. I can't wait to meet her, she seems special." He replies

"Yeah she is... really special." I smile picturing the girl I'm in love with in my head.

"You're in love with her aren't you?" He asks me, most likely smirking.

"Yeah, yeah I am." I smile, not denying it.

"Wow I wasn't expecting that." He replies shocked

"Yeah neither was I. Any way gotta go, bye nick!" I shout before ending the call and looking at my watch it shows 5pm, one hour until I have to pick her up.

I get changed into a white button up shirt, leaving a couple of the buttons at the top of it undone, the sleeves rolled up to just over my elbows. Black jeans with black polished shoes. I put on some cologne, not a lot

I walk over to the mirror situated in my room, my hair quite messy. I grab a comb from my bedside table and attempt to tame the mess of curls that is set upon my head.

I finish my outfit and look in the mirror, huh not too bad actually. I look down at the watch I have on my wrist 5:45pm.

I walk down the stairs and grab my keys from the key bowl.  I unlock the car and get in it, turning on the radio while I back out of my drive way and continue to the destination of her house.


I arrive at my destination as I pull up to her house. My heart starts beating faster, I hold my hand up and it's unusually jittery it moves rapidly up and down. What is she doing to me?

I turn off the engine and put my head in my hands.

"Pick her up, have a good time, ask her to be my girlfriend later." I whisper reassuringly. Why am I so nervous?

I reluctantly walk up to her door and knock on it a few times, it opens up to show Kelly, I smile warmly

"Hi Finn! Millie will be one minute, come on inside." She grins, opening the door wider for me to come in, I nervously walk inside.

Ava instantly spots me, she runs up to me and I give her hug while crouching so I can be level with her.

"Hey Ava." I playfully grin at the small girl

"Hey Finn!" She squeals making me laugh but then she stops and looks at something  behind me.

I turn around and boy did I almost faint. I suddenly fell backward a bit because holy shit did she look breath taking

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