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Millie's POV
After that day of school that consisted of the whole school getting soaked from water balloons, we had a party at my house because my parents were visiting my aunt Winona. Winona lives about 3 hours away so they just slept over there making it even easier to have a party.

The party last night was crazy. I got drunk a lot and so did Finn and everybody else, but that was really it, yeah sure it was your typical teenage party with red solo cups but that was it, nothing else. Apart from a shirtless wolfhard lying on my bed. Don't ask me how that happened.

I woke up at about 10am to Finn lying beside me. He looked so cute, each time he would lightly exhale his curls would float up softly and then down once again. I admired the small little freckles that looked like little stars across his nose, so cute, but then I noticed something, he wasn't wearing a shirt, his chest was toned and so were those abs, so hot. WAIT did we sleep together? No! No! That did not happen, if it did I swear to god! Would I be that mad?

"Millie?" Finn asks in his husky morning voice.

"Yeah?" I softly reply looking into his brown orbs

"Stop staring." He yawns

"Sorry but I have to point out one thing, you're shirtless." I smirk seeing his eyes widen then relax," did we slee-"

"NO. I mean no we uh just got into quite a heated makeout session." He blushes like mad.

"How do you remember if you were drunk?" I worry

"You see I wasn't that drunk but I was still pretty drunk so I went along with it." He nervously explains

"Finn!" I smack him on the chest

"Hey trust me it could've been way worse!" He defends

"How?" I ask raising an eye brow

"You see you wanted to uh-"

"NO NO I WAS DRUNK!" I shout making him laugh

"Yeah I know and I feel horrible" he says in a guilty voice easily making me forgive him.

Flash back to last night
"Finn let's go upstairs." I slur drunkenly

"No mills you're too drunk." Finn demands but I pull him upstairs forcefully.

I lock my room door and instantly smash my lips into his.

Finn's POV (still in flash back)
She roughly smashed her lips into my own. I tried to stop but I gave in, I couldn't resist those strawberry lips.

We made it to her bed still kissing roughly. She threw me down on her bed and climbed onto my lap immediately kissing my neck, sending me completely crazy just with her position but also those soft lips caressing my soft spot making me gasp.

I switch positions so I'm on top of her with my hands oh her sides making sure I don't crush her and I start kissing her until she takes off my shirt How? Don't ask me but she did. She was driving me crazy until I kissed her again and tasted the vodka in her lips making me stop. I was immediately drowned with complete and utter guilt.

"Come on Finn." She whines but I know exactly what she means

"Let's do I-"

"NO. I am not taking advantage of you even more than I already have, I'm not a scumbag." I reply

"But Finn." She whines

"No millie get some rest." I lay her down on her bed and kiss her forehead.

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