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General POV
He dropped her off at her house. The tension could have been cut with a knife. Finn so badly wanted to stop the car and continue where they left off, but he knew what they did was wrong, that didn't mean he didn't like it, he loved it. He lived for the feeling of her soft strawberry lips against his own, he wanted so much more than just kissing (AND NOT IN THAT WAY YOU CREEPS!) he wanted to call her his own, he wanted to kiss and cuddle her every second of every day but he knew it was selfish.

He stopped the car outside her house and she immediately got out and slammed the door shut, he knew he did something so wrong and it infuriated him, so much to the point he wanted to have a mental breakdown in the car, he had lost her again and he knew it, he should've contained his very passionate feelings for her but instead he let it all out like an idiot.

He slammed his hand on the wheel before driving off to his house.

That was two weeks ago and the two hadn't spoken a word since, they didn't even practice for the play, or go near each other, unless it was when they were with the group and even then they kept their distance.

It really saddened Finn that him and Millie didn't even interact anymore. It angered him so badly when Wyatt and Millie kissed that one day he went to the bathroom and almost smashed a mirror with his fists. His heart ached and he didn't care anymore, he didn't want to feel the pain anymore so he decided to stop feeling at all by distracting himself with alcohol, girl, cigarettes etc.

The group were so worried about Finn ever since that day at his house, when Millie and Gaten weren't there.

"Finn Stop!" Caleb sternly says to the boy that downing a bottle of whiskey.

"Why should I stop Caleb? Why would I want to feel the pain when I don't have to feel at all!" He shouts at the older boy, his breath smelling of alcohol.

"Finn he's right! Stop!" Sadie shouts annoying Finn even more

Finn throws the empty glass bottle of alcohol against one of the walls of his living room, smashing photos of him and his family.

"You!" He snarled running up to the picture of his older brother nick, who was away in Canada for college

"You left me alone! You cared for me because our parents were never here, but YOU LEFT!" He yells breaking the picture by smashing it with his hand.

"EVERYBODY THAT CARES ABOUT ME L-leaves!" He yells, choking up with tears, only for him to be embraced by Noah. He slides down the wall and puts his head in his hands sobbing uncontrollably

Grace, Sadie, Caleb and Maddie run up to him, hugging the desolate boy.

" I ruin everything." He thought to himself

Right now however he was walking out of a small gas station with cigarettes in the bag.

He walks out of the doors and sees Romeo Beckham sitting down on the back of a pick up truck, with 5 other boys by him.

"Finn Wolfhard!" He shouts,  laughing while jumping out of the truck.

"Where's the slut?" He spits at Finn referring to Millie

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