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Hear that? That's the sound of Millie Bobby Brown's heels hitting against the rock hard pavement of Manhattan Million street in New York.

She was just walking home from a boring old day of school and her feet were killing her. She just wanted to go home get a hot shower and go to bed, normal right? Well her life was about to change and she didn't even know it.

The petite girl opened the door to her huge mansion of a house instantly getting hit with the smell of cinnamon.

Millie's POV
I walk Into the place I have called home for two years now, it was quite big compared to my house in Hawkins. Oh how I missed Hawkins. Hawkins is where my best friends live happily, while here in New York I am lonely and I still get that aching pain in my chest. I still don't know what it is?

I strut down the large, dark hallway to hear the soothing crackling  coming from the blazing fire in the living room.

I walk into the living room to see the only light coming from the resplendent fire in the middle of the room.

I see two people sitting down on the couch in the living room, they look like silhouettes as the room is dark.

"Hello?" I ask tilting my head, squinting my eyes to see a boy with curly hair sitting beside who I think is my mother.

"Oh hey mom! Hi Simon!" I smile but it soon drops as the pain in my feet is only getting stronger by the minute. Damn I really need new shoes.

"Hey Millie.." Simon mumbles sadly burying his face In his hands.

Simon has been my boyfriend for 6 months now, he's in college and I'm still in high school so we haven't really been that close but he's still there for me.

"What's going on?" I ask my mother sitting down beside her, looking intently in her eyes for the answer to my question.

"Millie I have some news..." she trails off

"Bad or good?" Hopefully the second one but from Simon's expression it's  clearly not

"Both." She mutters sipping her green tea, quickly setting the cup on the floor and standing up.

This must be serious.

"Well your father has been promoted to another position in his job and it involves moving..."

"Let me guess we're moving to Brazil maybe France?!" I roll my eyes angry at the fact we are moving again.

"No millie we are moving back to Hawkins." She says taking a sharp breath.

The words hit me like a truck. It felt like I stopped breathing for hours but in reality it was only a couple seconds. I would be moving to the town where all my friends would be, where my school would be.

Was it bad I felt a glint of happiness completely forgetting the presence of my poor boyfriend Simon? That was the happiest I had been in forever until something else smacked me in the face.

That's where he would be.

My smiley face lasted for less than one second until my face hardened into a stoic expression. I would see his face again, I don't know if I was ready for that. Why am I getting so upset about it? It's not like we were anything special just a hookup...that's right just a hook up.

Although I couldn't ignore that feeling in my stomach, I haven't felt that in years. Wow



And that's how me Millie Bobby Brown got herself in the position of moving back to my old home town, Hawkins. Well it wasn't my first home I had originally been born in Spain but then moved to England until i was about seven."

Back to the point.

I am sitting in my car with my family. We had just arrived from the airport and we are in Hawkins now. That's sounds so weird don't you think? I haven't been here in like 2 years and now all of a sudden I've moved back here. It's really surreal.

The sky was filled with large grey clouds and it was pouring rain. So calming. I thought to myself

I watched as the small rain droplets rolled down the car window, admiring which one made it to the bottom first. I've always liked the rain.

But then something caught my attention.

Is that the forest where that dumb place is? The water fall right? Jeez me and Finn were so cheesy it just made me cringe.

I look to my right and see the park, so familiar where was that from again

Flash back:

I was sitting on the swings waiting for everybody else to group up to go to the quarry until..

"BOO!" Someone yelled scaring the life out of me

"AHHHHHH!" I screamed jumping out of the swing to only turn around and see the annoying face of Finn Wolfhard.

"Oh my that was the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life." He says in between laughs

"Wolfhard! You're dead!" I say walking up to him angry but secretly laughing

"Sure I am." He says evily

"We'll just have to wait and see." I say deviously smirking

End of Flashback:

That day at the quarry was one of the best days of my life, it was the first time the group actually all hung out, we hated each other before that, well more like Finn and I hated each other but look how that went.

This town was full of so many memories I cherished but I can't help but feel nostalgic of when I was a dumb fifteen-year-old.

"Millie?" My mom cuts me out of my train of thought full of nostalgic memories.

"Yeah?" I ask noticing how the car was no longer moving

"We are here." She smiles opening my door for me.

I mutter a quick thanks before looking up at the house that I called home two years ago, actually I think this was always my home, New York never really felt like home to me.

I step up the small amount of stairs leading to my front door.

"1415 Mirkwood Lane." It rolls off my tongue so naturally. I then realised.

I was home...


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