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Finn's POV
I wake up automatically being blinded by the strong sunlight that's shining through the cracks of my blinds.

I try to get up but then groan in pain, my back and hands hurt. I look down to my hands and they are bruised, I wouldn't be surprised if my hand's broke. All the events from last night come flooding in, Romeo Beckham, he definitely deserved all that he got and more.

My heart suddenly jumps at the realisation that Millie is sleeping in my bed.

I jolt up and try to keep balance but every bone in my body aches especially my face.

I quietly go over to the mirror in my room and stare at my face. It's purple and bruised because Romeo hit me there.

I hear a shuffle behind me and I turn around like the speed of light. I see Millie sound asleep in my hoodie. So cute. I could've slept in my parents room because they aren't here, they are never here they don't care about me but I decided to sleep in here In case Millie needed anything.

My stomach rumbles signalling I'm hungry, Millie must be hungry she drunk on an empty stomach last night.

Millie's POV
I wake up to the smell of pancakes and coffee. Delicious. I then realise I'm wearing someone's hoodie and sweatpants, wait I'm in somebody else's bed! What happened last night?

I feel my head and it hurts like hell. I look around the room it looks familiar but I can't quite pin point it.

I try to get up but I almost fall over immediately. I shakily make it over to the stair case and try to go down it but I almost fall down the whole thing.

"MILLIE WATCH OUT!" The curly haired boy yells running up the stairs. Finn. He helps me down the stairs and into the kitchen. He sets me on the kitchen island. He goes to turn around but he lightly hits his hand on the table making him gasp in pain.

"Finn are you alright?!" I yell seeing the boy in what must be agonising pain from the reaction

"Yeah just a little bruised up." He smiles but then I notice the huge bruise on his cheek.

"Finn what happened?" I ask raising my hand to the boys cheek to see him squint in pain.

"Nothing happened." He says shakily taking my hand off his cheek with his hand

"FINN oh my god! What happened to your hand?!" I gasp taking the boys hand in my own. It's bruised very badly, it looks broken.

"It's really okay Millie." He smiles but the pain in his eyes tell a different story.

"What happened last night. Why is your hand and face bruised? Why am I here?" I ask softly playing with the boys hand.

"Ask Sadie about that I don't want to talk about that but do one thing for me. Stay away from Romeo." He says looking ms straight in the eyes, his eyes are full of anger and hatred at the name

"Why? He's my friend." I snap back

"Stay away from him." He sternly says

"Finn he's my friend!" I shout back

"Friends don't do what he tried to do Millie!" He snaps back angrily

"What did he do?" I croak out but Finn looks away, clenching his jaw." What did he do?!" I say louder than the last time

"Nothing it doesn't matter." He looks everywhere else but me.

"Finn, friends don't lie." I say bringing my palm to his cheek forcing him to look at me.

"He tried to ra- he roofied you Millie." I feel violated, disgusted, I just feel dirty and sad, it's crazy how words can set off a chain reaction so quickly.

"Did he-"

"No. I stopped him before he could do anything to you, but he punched me and that's where this came from." He frowns pointing to the huge bruise on his face," but I got him good mills, I think his nose is broke, his lips busted, jaw fractured if it wasn't for Gaten pulling me off of him he would of been dead." I look in his eyes and they are full of care and worry.

All the memories started flooding into my brain

"Let's go upstairs." Romeo whispers dragging me by the waist.

Holy shit

"YOU FUCKING SCUMGBAG!" Finn yelled tackling Romeo to the ground punching him countless times. Gaten pulled him off him and everybody was there watching

"shows over!" Finn yells.

This actually happened

" I love you."

I don't know who said the last part probably Wyatt.

I can't help but smile at the curly haired boy in front of me. He kept staring at me.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I ask insecure

"No nothing's on your face." He blushes looking away from me. He's so cute.

"Do you have a rubber band around here?" I ask him

"Yeah, here." He says going through the kitchen door.

I instantly start playing with his hair which he blushes at.

"What are you doing?" He asks looking upwards at his hair.

"Tying your hair dumby." I smile stroking through his soft hair.

"What! No!" He starts panicking making me laugh putting his hair in a top knot.

"Ah so cute." I smile giggling at his new hairstyle

He looks in the mirror at his reflection and then smirks

"What can I say." He says in a deep voice making me laugh.

"Here take this." He chuckles giving me a bottle of water with a tablet which I gladly gulp down.

I look at his pretty eyes and grin at the boy.

"Thank you puppysoft... for everything." I embrace him in a tight hug getting trapped in his comforting scent.

I feel him tense up making my heart beat even faster but then he melts into the hug wrapping his arms around my waist. It felt so right

"Y-you should probably get going Wyatts probably worried sick." Finn such a good guy, honestly it's weird how he still gives me those butterflies.

"Yeah you're uh right." I smile.

Finn's POV

"Yeah you're uh right." She smiles. I wish I wasn't right, I wish I could just kiss her, I want her so badly.

"We should run lines tomorrow for the play." I suggest

"Sure." She gets off the island being able to walk now

"We'll go after school tomorrow." I forgot about school, it's Wednesday today and I thank the school for giving a staff day today.

"Yeah. Anyways see you later Finn. Thank you so so much." She kisses me on the cheek. Making me blush profusely.

"Uh n-not a p-problem. Bye!" I stutter out embarrassingly but she just giggles.

I shut the door and as soon as I do I put my back against the door, heavily breathing. It was only a kiss on the cheek but it's still enough to make me almost faint.

I love you

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