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Finn's POV
I wake up to banging on my window. I check the time on my phone. It read 4.00am on Sunday the 10th September.

Who is at my house at 4.00 am?

I groggily get up and almost fall as soon as I stand up because I'm so tired. I walk slowly over to the window afraid of what it might be. I unlatch it and Ashley walks through

Ugh what is she doing here?

You would think if she were my girlfriend I would be happy for her to come over but no it's the polar opposite, I am actually quite annoyed.

"Ashley what are you doing here?" I ask In my morning voice rubbing my eyes

"Your morning voice is sexy finnie." She smiles putting her hands on my chest

Can she not

"Ashley it's 4 in the morning what are you doing here?" I ask annoyance laced in my voice

"What? Can a girl not go see her boyfriend?" She asks pushing me on the bed and climbing on my lap.

She needs to get off

"Ashley stop." I whisper yell angrily

"What is wrong with you? You've never turned down me before puppysoft?" She teases.

What did she just call me? Only Millie gets to call me that. MILLIES NOT HERE DUMBASS. That statement only made my blood boil even more

I gently lift her off my lap not wanting to hurt the girl but suddenly my blood boils at the name she just called me.

"Don't call me that." I mutter angrily

"What? Does finnie not wanna be called puppysoft?" She teases further

"Get out." I voice a bit angrily

"What?" She asks shocked

"I said get out!" I yell harshly. Happy in this moment of time that my Parents aren't here right now.

"Fuck you finn." She smacks me on the chest and runs out the window of my house

Uh I hate her.

I lay down on my bed once again letting the warm blanket embrace me in utter comfort. One problem, I can't go back to sleep.

My hands take over my mind and reaches for my phone on the bed side table. They grab it and go on phone calls, I scroll down the contacts list and land on her number. As soon as I was about to press call I stopped myself, it's just extinct really, I would always call Millie when I was upset well that was before she moved away, it was like she just disappeared Into thin air without a trace yet my thumb is hovering over her phone number. What am I thinking? Calling my ex hookup huh she wasn't that important right? She's moved on so have I.

My mind is clouded with thoughts I have to get this off my chest at least to one person.

My thumb goes off of Millie phone contact and onto another girl's.

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