•Sleepover at Gaten's PART 2•

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Finn's POV
"I love you fillie!" Sadie says

After that we all just watched this show called stranger stuff.

"Do you all wanna go to sleep now?" Gaten begs getting a yeah from all of us.

I'm honestly not tired.


I've just been laying beside Millie for the past 20 minutes. I'm gonna go up to Gaten's balcony my absolute favourite place in his house.

At the balcony

As soon as I open the door to the balcony a fresh breeze of air hits my face sending a pleasant feeling through my body.

I quickly light a cigarette but it gets taken out of my mouth almost immediately scaring the hell out of me.

"AH." I lowly yell

"Chill Finn it's just me." Millie whispers covering my mouth

"Oh so why are you here?" I ask confused

"I couldn't sleep so I saw you get up." She explains

"Why did you follow?" I ask smirking

"Because this is my favourite part of his house." She shrugs looking at the landscape in front of us

"Same." I sigh

"It's also where you where drunk that night." She silently laughs making me slightly embarrassed

"Is this where I called you hot?" I ask

"Yep." She says popping the 'P'

"I can see why it's your favourite place." I smirk joking

"Shut up." She says slapping me lightly

"You know you love me especially because you chose me over Jacob." I tease

"I would literally choose anyone over Jacob." She replied exhaling smoke from the cigarette

"True." I reply looking at the landscape nodding my head lightly

"So Finn how are you planning on asking that Iris girl out?" She asks

"W-WHAT?" I choke on air

"Earlier you said you would date Iris out of everyone." She says making me remember.

"Oh I was lying I would never date her." I reply

"Good." She mutters

"Why good?" I teasingly ask

"Because she's a crazy bitch. One time she came up to me pretending to be nice then was like 'Stay away from Finn!"Millie explains

"Wait are you basically saying you care about me?" I ask in disbelief

"Over the past days I think we have developed this weird ass thing so yeah I think there is a little part of me that cares about you, don't let it get to your head." She voices

"Hey the feelings mutual brown." I reply smiling happy that's she doesn't hate me... that much.

"Yeah well I think talking to you has tired me out so I'm gonna go to bed." She says walking off leaving me with my thoughts

I wonder if Millie and I are friends

I kind of have a soft spot for her

I get nervous around her but it's a good feeling. Every time we make contact like holding hands it completely sends shivers every where, like small sparks travelling along my body.

But she doesn't feel the same way.

I'm tired I'm gonna go to bed.

Millie's POV
I suddenly wake up feeling a presence around my waist, I look down to my waist to see an arm around it, I look over to my right to see Finn sleeping peacefully, his face in the pillow because he was sleeping on his front, every time he exhaled his cute curls would bounce up sending butterflies through my stomach. I snap back to reality and remove his arm from my waist carefully making sure to not wake him up but unfortunately I did.

"Mom?" Finn asks blinking his eyes open

"It's me." I whisper, he looks down at our position extremely confused but doesn't remove his arm

"Did you do this?" He asks shocked

"No dumbass I woke up and your arm was around my waist." I explain

"I don't remember doing this." He says," I must've done this in my sleep." He chuckles making me smile still not removing his arm from my waist.

"We should probably get up its 9am." I reply

"Oh yeah sorry." He whispers obviously apologising for our position

"It's fine." I say standing up quietly because everybody else is asleep or so I thought

We stand up and go to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone but we decided to just talk while laying on the kitchen island.

"So about last night you said you care about me." He says turning to face me smiling.

"Yeah why do you care so much?" I ask smirking

"I don't but why do you care so much about knowing why I care." He replies but before I could reply someone enters the kitchen

"AHAH I KNEW IT!" Sadie whisper yells

"Knew what?" I ask confused

"You don't think i didn't see Finn's hand wrapped around your waist mills?" She smirks making me lightly blush, very lightly

"Hey I did that in my sleep." Finn defends

"Whatever I have a picture of it." She says

"Jeez Sadie you are such a pedo." I reply laughing lightly

"Just don't tell anyone else ok?"Finn and I say at the same time

"I'll try my best." She says walking out of the room

"What? SADIE YOU'LL TRY?"I shout shaking my head

"She's crazy." Finn says looking me in the eyes

"I know." I say before getting up, him following behind me walking into the living room

"HE DID NOT!" We heard Maddie scream from the living room

"He did what?" I ask sitting down, Finn sitting beside me as it was the only seat available

"Finn did you actually have your arm around her waist?" Maddie asks

"Really Sadie you couldn't keep it in for two minutes literally." I groan

"OMG HE DID." Maddie yelled waking everybody else up

"Don't you think you're over reacting a bit? It's not like we kissed or something he literally had his arm around my waist it's not that bad plus he did it in his sleep." I shrug looking at Finn who is smirking slightly making me roll my eyes

"FINN KISSED MILLIE WHAT?" Gaten asks arising from his slumber making me groan

Here we go again...

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