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Finn's POV
I'm in biology, it's my last period and unfortunately I am sitting beside Ashley.

She was talking my ear off about something, she's acting like I didn't break up with her this morning and it's really annoying. I wasn't paying attention to the lesson or Ashley I was just too busy thinking about a familiar British brunette

I am ripped out of my deep thoughts by the bell going off, signalling school was finally over.

Yes drama club with Millie.

"Ready to go to drama club?" Ashley fake smiles. Ugh I forgot she does it as well.

I just walk off ignoring her, going into the drama rooms seeing everybody seated waiting for Miss Ryder to start the class.

Miss Ryder was about to start the lesson until Millie walks in looking hot. My leg moves up and down rapidly. It's okay Finn, it's okay.

We lock eyes and she smiles until Miss Ryder gasps loudly

"MILLIE!" She squeals going over to the girl, hugging her

"Hi Miss Ryder!" Millie smiles

"Thank god you're back! Let's do a scene so you can show these kids how to act." Miss Ryder smiles handing her a script

Just as that happens Mr Harbour the principal walks in smiling at Millie.

"Ahh Miss Ryder I see you've encountered Millie." He smiles sweetly at the woman. The woman gasps once again.

"David can you play a role so Millie can act this scene with you?" Miss Ryder runs over to him

"Anything for you Winona." David smiles taking the script

Millie is looking over the script I guess trying to get to know the character, it's gonna be hard to take on a character without really knowing them that well. I'm excited to see her performance though.

"Ready millie?" Miss Ryder asks her getting a small smile in return.

"Alright Millie you are Jane and David you are Hopper. In 3...2...1 action."

"Where'd you go on your little field trip huh? WHERE? Did you go see mike?"David asks

"He didn't see me." Millie mutters in an American accent, holy shit I didn't know she could do that.

"Yeah well that mother and daughter did and they called the cops. Now did anyone else see you?!" Harbour asks sternly.

"Nobody saw me!" She aggressively says

"You put us in danger you realise that, right?"

"YOU promised I'd go." She chokes out," and I NEVER leave! NOTHING ever happens!" She shouts with so much emotion

"Yeah nothing happens and you STAY SAFE!" Mr harbours yells smacking a cupboard making Millie flinch

"YOU LIED!" Millie scolds

"Cut! Millie that was amazing!" Miss Ryder gushes and she definitely wasn't wrong, millie is a natural actress. That was amazing, I can't even comprehend how good that was. The anger and sadness in her words and that accent I didn't know she could do that!Everybody stands up clapping and shocked at how good she was, apart from Ashley who is just shaking her head.

"Millie welcome back and I'm awarding you the title of drama club president because that was amazing!" Winona squeals making Millie's eyes widen

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