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A/N: Alright! Another installment of Mine to Take. Thanks to all those who favorite/followed/reviewed. It means a lot. So please, keep it coming. Give me that motivation to strive forward.


She loved showers—one of life's little hedonistic pleasures. They could soothe aches and pains and wash away tension from tired muscles. They could refresh, rejuvenate, and allow a moment of peace where all the troubles in the world didn't matter and were forgotten. However, all those troubles came rushing back the second Yuna cranked off the hot water.

Boruto Uzumaki. The Leaf Village Hero and the son of the Seventh Hokage. He's antagonizing, difficult, complicated, and confusing. And yet, he's still such a mystery.

After drying off, she stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a fluffy towel. She wiped off the steam on the mirror with the palm of her hand and began to take her hair down and brush out any tangles accumulated throughout the day.

Despite the extra trouble it presented, Yuna loved having her hair long. It made her feel feminine and attractive as opposed to the short cut she had sported for years as a Genin.

Yuna was prepared to walk out of the bathroom and put on some clothes when there was a knock at her window. Although it wasn't too late in the morning, Yuna wasn't expecting anyone. Tightening her wet towel, she made her way across the small room.



Of all the rotten luck...he just HAD to have a mission with HER of all people. He let out a heavy sigh and wondered what the hell he had done to deserve this. He was sure whatever gods resided up there were probably laughing hard enough to split a seam right now. Perhaps it was a sign he needed to patch things up. The window abruptly swung open jolting him from his thoughts, revealing a shower dampened and half naked Yuna dressed only in towel.

Boruto had not expected to be confronted with Yuna's covered torso, and he found his eyes roaming her flesh without his permission, taking in the shapely leg from her mid-thigh all the way down to painted teal toenails.

"Um...hi." The blond said awkwardly, dragging his gaze from her foot to her face.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?" She crossed her arms over her bosom, sitting into her right hip and unintentionally presenting her straitened left leg, the bare skin interrupted only by the towel that covered her. "Don't tell me, you came to your senses after your victorious win yesterday and realized that maybe you should have lost and taken me out on that date instead?"

Boruto rolled his eyes before saying, "Not even in your wildest dreams."

She pouted a moment, looking much more girlish with such a childish expression on her face before teal eyes widen.

"A mission?"

He nodded.

"All right!" Yuna cried enthusiastically as she punched her fist into the air.

Suddenly, the towel that was supposed to be tightened securely around her fell to the ground, leaving her gloriously naked before the eyes of her mission partner.

"Eh?" She blinked rapidly at him, eyes widening as realization dawned on her.

Boruto's jaw dropped as all resistance finally left him. Her body was an absolute masterpiece and he let his eyes take in every inch as she revealed it. Her sex was crowned with a small patch of black hair only slightly darker than the hair on her head. Her stomach was flat and firm and the faint outline of her abdominals could be seen in the pale morning light. Her breasts were lush and pert and round and he could hardly take his eye off of them as they bounced free.

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