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A/N: Welcome back to another installment of Mine to Take. This is a pretty long chapter, so hopefully it's to your enjoyment. Please drop me a review, let me know what you think. :)

Rated M for Mature.


"Knife throwing is more about finesse than strength. It's important to keep the entire movement fluid and only apply as much force as is needed. Once you get the hang of it, you will be amazed at how little force is required."

Grabbing a kunai, Yuna moved toward Yori and carefully handed it to him.

"Now, grip the knife with your dominant hand."

He did as instructed.

"A firm but delicate hold is necessary for all gripping styles; too much grip will hamper your release, whereas too little might cause the knife to fly out of your hand prematurely, potentially hurting someone."

He nodded.

"Now for these blades, we'll be starting you off with the hammer grip and we'll move our way up to the pinch grip," she said. "Grip the handle of the knife as you would the handle of a hammer."

"Okay, now what?"

"Now we prepare to throw," she said. "Angle the knife. How you do this will change how rapidly the knife flips through the air, which must be adjusted depending on the distance between you and your target. These distances are somewhat subjective: a knife held by its handle will need to turn over at least once in the air to land point-first, whereas a knife held by its point will need to turn over at least one and a half times. Therefore, you're gonna have to adjust the angle of your hold depending on how your knife performs for you with your chosen grip and distance. Close-range as we are now, you're going to bend your wrist back toward your forearm. This will allow the knife to turn over in the air more quickly, which is necessary because there is so little distance between you and your target."

She grabbed him by the shoulders and moved him in front of the target.

"Assume the proper stance. To do that, you're gonna place your weight on your dominant leg and rest your non-dominant foot in front of you with no weight on it. Next, you're going to raise your dominant arm in front of you so that it is perpendicular to the ground, and bend at the elbow so that the knife is raised alongside your head."

"Now when you swing the knife forward, you're gonna shift your weight from your dominant to your non-dominant leg to create forward momentum. But at the same time, you need to swing your forearm forward from the elbow so that your arm is straight out in front of you; that is the point at which you will release the knife." She explained. "Now give it a shot."

Yori readied himself for the throw. After taking a few deep breaths, he threw the knife. The knife whizzed past the target, the blades handle hitting the wall behind it and onto the ground.

"I'll never get this down." He said, disappointment clear in his tone of voice.

"Don't talk like that," she snapped. "Anything is possible if you believe and put in the practice required to succeed."

A faint smile graced Ataru's lips at her words.

She picked up the knife and handed it to Yori. "Try it again."

He nodded again and turned back to the target to continue his training while Yuna sat down on the top step beside Ataru.

"You're really good with him," he said.

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