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A/N: Hey everyone! So sorry for the long wait. Work has literally kept me busy and I have had no time to write whatsoever. Thanks for all the love and support. Things are finally going to pick up, so be ready. Don't forget to drop a review. Let me know what ya think!


Yuna flopped down on the grass like a rag doll, too tired to be graceful in her descent. The sky was a brilliant blue, the breeze was cool and ground was warm after absorbing the sun's rays for half the day. She closed her eyes and felt those same rays against her skin. It felt so good just to BE, to just relax, especially after working so hard.

She heard a sigh of contentment beside her and looked over to find Ryōgi grinning at her, stretched out in the grass as well.

"Hey, good work today Yuna!" he beamed, radiating boyish charm like a beacon.

"Well what about you?" she replied, rolling on her side to face him. "You didn't get back from your mission until late and you still made it to practice. I'm impressed."

"It's because he's been running on carbohydrates alone during missions this week. It all breaks down into sugar and would be enough to keep anyone wired."

Both figures on the ground looked up to find Ataru standing over them, arms crossed over his chest. Although he was wearing his usual bored expression, the slight smirk he wore betrayed that he was just pestering Ryōgi about his unhealthy food choices for fun.

The kunoichi pushed herself up onto her hands and tugged at the jacket sleeve of the man still standing next to her. "Ataru, sit down, you're blocking my sun."

The Katayama allowed himself to be pulled down next to her. The three members lay on their backs for a moment in silence, soaking up the sun and enjoying each other's company. Yuna felt so relaxed that she could have fallen asleep but an approaching chakra signature alerted her.

Instantly the three were on their feet. Suddenly, an ANBU in full uniform dropped from the tree to the ground in front of them.

"Team 9," the anonymous man said from behind the red and white bird mask. "You three are wanted at the Hokage tower immediately for a mission briefing."

Ataru nodded in affirmation and said, "Understood. Come on you two, you heard the man."

They took to the roof tops and quickly made their way over to the Hokage's tower. Yuna lifted her hand and rapped lightly on the door with her knuckles, not wanting to barge in if the whiskered blonde was in the middle of something important.

"Come in." a strong, masculine voice called and the kunoichi immediately obeyed. She entered the office, seeing three others she was already familiar with standing in front of the large wooden desk. Team 7.

"Don't tell me—you've managed to get yourself into more trouble and had your time extended for another week," Yuna teased Boruto, and he scowled playfully at her.

"If you must know, I'm here for a mission. As of today, I'm officially back on active duty."

"That's amazing—congratulations!" Delighted for him, she hugged him.

When Boruto glanced over at Ataru, he's watching them like a hawk, his eyes hooded and speculative, his mouth a hard, impassive line.

"I apologize for interfering with any plans you all might have had on your days off. But you're the only ones available at this time to complete this mission." The Hokage apologized, keeping a formal tone.

"No need to apologize, Nanadaime. You're not interrupting any plans of ours at all." Ataru said. "Please, begin your briefing."

"The Land of Water has requested our aid in a small matter."

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