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A/N: Hey everyone! Welcome back to another installment of Mine to Take. Thanks for all those who've kept up with this story and have reviewed, favorite/followed. Please, please keep it coming. Give me that motivation to continue, especially since it's nearing the end.


For the next several days Yuna remained Ataru's captive. She steadily grew stronger but still was nowhere near her full potential. She no longer felt frail and sickly but could sit up and move around. He even allowed her to go outside to stretch and read a bit as long as she didn't leave the courtyard, but he never joined her, always staying inside or venturing outside the walls of the village.

Every time he left she contemplated running, although she knew she didn't stand a chance against Diago in her current state. It wasn't that she was afraid of him, although she didn't relish the thought of being subjected to that painful jutsu again. The small amount of freedom Ataru allowed her was a result of his trust and if she tried anything rash again like she did with Diago, not only would she fail, but the freewill she had now would cease to exist and that was not something she was willing to live with.

Picking out a totally unoccupied bench under a small shade tree, she sat down to enjoy some light reading. Running her hand over the well-worn cover, Yuna turned to a dog-eared page. A male ninja had lured his female enemy to a hotel, intent on interrogating her, but instead had got caught up in the flames of passion. The girl, though skilled in ninja arts, was completely unskilled in anything of the sexual nature. The man seemed to almost stalk her like a predator, he being the tiger, and she the innocent doe-eyed fawn.

'Wha—what are you doing?' she stammered.

He pressed her up against a wall trapping her body with his as he whispered in her ear, 'Don't worry, I'll be gentle.'

The man continued to shower butterfly kisses all over the girl's neck and collarbone before capturing her lips in a searing kiss that earned him a soft moan in reply. His hands found their way to the sash of her kimono and he deftly untied it to let it fall open and reveal a pale and perfect pair of breasts. In her inexperienced state, she was unused to having such attention and moved to cover herself as she blushed furiously and turning her face away. The man caught her wrists and gently brought them together over her head. Pinning them with one hand he cupped her cheek in the other, he forced her to look at him.

'Don't cover yourself,' he said. 'You're body is too beautiful to hide. Let me see it.'

His lips busied themselves with nibbling her ear as his hands moved down to knead the newly exposed flesh, making her moan and gasp at the new and wonderful sensations assaulting her senses. Her moans turned to soft cries as his lips replaced his hands and he began nibbling and sucking her overly sensitive nipples, turning them into rock hard peaks.

He slid the kimono off her shoulders as his mouth continued to work over her flawless skin, leaving her clad only in a pair of underwear as silky as her ornate robe.

He caught her in his arms when her wobbly legs gave out, staring down into her flushed face.

'Perhaps we should move this to a more comfortable place.' He breathed as he once again pressed her against the wall. He grabbed her right thigh and coaxed it up and around his hip then repeated the action with the left so that the only thing holding her up was his hands under her butt and her legs wrapped tightly around his waist.

This new position aligned his arousal with her most intimate spot and the pressure of him against her silky panties made her gasp in pleasure, but her eyes betrayed her nervousness.

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