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A/N: This is a super long chapter, so I really hope you enjoy it. Please note that when I wrote this story, her Flare Style was kinda in the works. First it was Earth and Lightning for it but now it's going to be Fire and Wind. So Yuna's chakra natures are: Fire, Wind and Earth. Anyways, back to it. Thanks for those who reviewed/followed. Please keep it coming. I love to hear what you think. :)


"Ryōgi, it's heading your way now!" Yuna called out with a grin; using explosive tags to flush the oversized insect out after she had pinpointed its general location.

"Right, I'm on it!" Ryōgi replied as he leapt up in the air and placed his hands together.

Several ice darts made contact with the centipede and it reared up with a cry of pain, before shooting forward with its venomous pinchers towards Ryōgi who was still falling to the ground for a landing. He gritted his teeth, knowing that he wouldn't land in time to dodge. As soon as the dangerous pinchers made contact, a puff of smoke encircled him, leaving behind a log where his body used to be.

"Gotcha!" Yuna yelled as she came up from behind, scaling the back of the centipede's body as she threw several kunai, with wiring attached, on both sides of the body. She then leapt off the centipede when she made it to the head, and held a single hand sign as the insect struggled to get loose of the bindings. "Bak!"

Every kunai that had been used to secure the wiring all glowed briefly before the red and black explosive tags attached to them activated. The combined explosions caused the ground to cave in from under the centipede. A large cloud of dirt filled the area for a while and the two grouped back together to see if their attack had done the trick. As the smoke finished clearing, they could see the crushed and burned body twitch several times before it finally went completely still.

"Well that was a bit disappointing," Yuna said with a slight frown; she had wanted this mission to be a bit more interesting. "It wasn't even that big like they'd described."

"Still," Ryōgi said, smiling. "Ataru did say they were dangerous. Those pinchers are poisonous and their increased size makes the poison more potent."

Yuna put her hands behind her head. "So why'd we split up then if these things are supposed to be that dangerous? Ataru would need help, don't you think? I mean, I know he can take care of himself, but-"

Ryōgi's eyes suddenly went wide. "Watch out! There's another one heading this way!"

The ground shook under the two and they jumped away just in the nick of time as another giant centipede surfaced from the earth. A loud monstrous roar sounded from it as it came crashing down. It was at least five times the size of the one they had just killed.

"W-what the-that thing is huge!" Ryōgi exclaimed as the insect swished its tail end around.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Yuna cried, pumping an enthusiastic fist into the air.

"Now's not the time to get excited, Yuna!" Ataru shot past in a blur of brown and black, while making a series of hand signs. "Earth Release: Sticky Earth Drop!"

Suddenly, a portal opened up in the sky, spewing down a large amount of mud onto the centipede, covering it as it struggled to get free. With a loud roar, it finally broke free, kicking its many legs around, and landing a solid blow to Yuna.

"Yuna!" Ataru called, darting forward and caught her before she could make a painful landing.

"I'm ok," she coughed as she re-gathered her bearings and stood back up, wiping a small streak of blood from her mouth.

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