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A/N: This is a short chapter. I broke it down into two parts. Part two is almost complete and as soon as I finish I'll upload it so you guys won't have to wait. Thanks to those who favorited/followed/reviewed! Much appreciated. Please keep it coming. :)


"So? How did it go?"

Ryuuji's lackey swallowed hard and glanced around the room that that looked like some nightmarish hybrid of a science laboratory and a medical clinic.

Cloudy liquids bubbled over Bunsen burners while several beakers partially full of unknown chemicals sat close by. Another table held a full set of surgical instruments, all sparkling clean and gleaming malevolently under the harsh fluorescent lighting. The far side of the surprisingly large room housed dual rows of foldable cots, two of which were occupied, and he gasp aloud when he saw that Ryuuji had plucked an eye from one of the occupants lying on the cot.


The lackey cleared his throat. "I found her."

"And?" Ryuuji channeled healing chakra to his hand until it glowed a faint green and placed it over his right eye, instantly dispelling the pain and transplanting the eye. Once finished, he moved his hand away, revealing a Byakugan.

"Konoha is still in the process of rebuilding and security is thin. But even so, I think it's best to cut our losses with this one."

Ryuuji discarded his jacked and pulled the shirt he wore underneath over this head, revealing a circular device attached to the center of his chest.

What is that? The lackey mused silently.

"Why is that?" he asked, as the man lowered his gaze to the ground. "Were you spotted?"

"No," he replied hastily, meeting his gaze once again. "It's just..."

"It's just?" Ryuuji prodded, growing irritated with the man in front of him.

"It appears someone else is intrigued with her; a shinobi. He's constantly by her side and if he isn't, he's watching from afar." He said, his eyes following the other man's every move as Ryuuji casually walked over to the table full on instruments. His finger absently ran over the rim of an empty glass beaker before picking up a gauntlet.

"Is that so?" He mused as he strapped the gauntlet to his right forearm. "And what of the mother?"

"She's a medical-nin for the Leaf Village Hospital," he answered. "She keeps the same daily routine. She would make for an easier target."

Activating the Byakugan in his right eye, Ryuuji pressed the button on the gauntlet. Suddenly, wires ejected from inside the bracer and attached themselves deep into his forearm and drawing an anguished gasp from his lips. He fell to his knees and cradled his arm to his chest as he forced himself to breathe through it.

"Ryuuji-san!" he called, running to him quickly. He was at his side in seconds, kneeling down next to him with genuine concern.

"I'm ok," he said through gritted teeth, his forearm still spasming painfully. "It's doing what it needs to do. Give me a minute and I'll be fine."

He nodded slightly and a moment of silence passed before he spoke again.

"What is that thing?"

"A new tool I have been working on." he answered, breathing heavily.

"What does it do?"

"Perhaps a demonstration is in order" he said, attempting a smile that came out more like a grimace.

After a slight hesitation, he nodded.

"Alright then, I'll show you," he said, a dark note creeping into his voice that the man before him didn't like at all.

Before he even had time to gasp, Ryuuji pulled him roughly against him and felt something pierce him in the abdomen.

"R-Ryuuji-san..." he said, struggling weakly against him as he felt his chakra rapidly being depleted.

"Look at it this way. Even if you're dead you'll still continue to live on, through me."

After a moment, the lackey sagged against him and Ryuuji pulled his arm back, removing the long needle before it retracted back into the gauntlet. The man's body crumpled to the ground, dead from the shinobi's attack.

Ryuuji stood and smoothed a hand over his short hair as he walked away.

"Now then, I wonder how the young Hoga girl will react to this."

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