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A/N: Woo-hoo! We've hit over 300 followers for this story! Well, on QuoteV anyway. :P Anyhoo, as promised I will be holding a contest on QuoteV. So my Wattpad/FanFiction/Archiveofourown followers, you're also included. So no worries. :P As Kozi stated on Wattpad, a contest for "fan of this story" an original character or something. Which was an amazing suggestion, so thank you. :) That will be my second contest once I hit the 350-400 follower mark on QuoteV. It can be an original character drawing or character in my story. The girl I go through right now is taking a small break from commissions so I need to message her. As for now, the first contest details will be listed in my QuoteV page under the activity this weekend. :) So keep an eye out if you want to enter.

Thanks for all the love and support. You all are amazing. Please keep it coming!

Attention: This chapter is darker than the rest of the story and I am aware many of you will not like it and that I might even lose some readers over it. There is attempted rape in this chapter. You have been warned so I don't want to hear complaints about unexpectedly harsh subject matter. Not all stories can be fluffy and nice.


Yuna awoke with a jolt. Her head was fuzzy and she was too warm. Ataru was wrapped around her like a vine. He grumbled in his sleep as she slipped out of his arms, but he didn't wake. Sitting up, she glanced at the alarm clock. It was seven in the morning. She needed an Advil and a drink. She swung her legs out of bed and made her way downstairs to the kitchen.

In the fridge she found a carton of orange juice and poured herself a glass.'s delicious, and her fuzzy head eased immediately. She hunted through the cupboards looking for some painkillers and eventually came across a plastic box full of meds. She took two Advil and poured herself another orange juice.

The front door opened and her father appeared. She assumed he went to see his family off before they left back to the Land of Bellows.

"Did you send them on their way?"

He nodded silently.

"Good riddance," Yuna muttered.

"Yuna, we need to talk."

"Everything all right?"

Her father shook his head.

"What happened?" Yuna frowned, now utterly confused.

Her father hesitated before he finally cleared his throat. "I know you're aware of the mission that Boruto was assigned to yesterday. There was a situation, sweetheart."

"Is Boruto okay?" she demanded. "That's all I want to know."

Yuna felt every muscle in her body tense, bracing for what she already knew was coming. These words, like so many in the past few days, seemed impossible to comprehend.

"It...he apparently came in contact with an enemy shinobi. He was poisoned. He was still alive when they found him and brought him back to Konoha. Sakura and your mother are working on him right now."

Even as her father spoke, Yuna could feel her grip loosening on her glass of orange juice. It fell heavily to the ground, shattering it into pieces. She stared at it, lying in the kitchen floor.

Boruto. Not Boruto. He couldn't die.

Yuna turned and rushed upstairs to her room and threw open her closet door, waking Ataru in the process. He sat up, blinking owlishly at her.

"What's going on?"

"It's Boruto. He's hurt."

"What?" he said, suddenly awake and surprised by the news. Boruto was alive? But how? There was no way he could have survived after being exposed to that poison...unless someone happened to come across him. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

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