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A/N: Last one for a while, lol. Enjoy.


"Again, Yuna-sama?" Kaneko-san said as she measured her waist for her wedding dress. "This is the second time this month you've gone up a size."

Yuna figured as much. Her clothes hugged her body. She'd gained weight since her return. Weight that had replaced what she'd lost after the abduction. She traced the front of her dress. A flicker of hope lit inside of her.

It wasn't possible...

Yuna smiled and rubbed the back of her head nervously. "Gomen ne, Kaneko-san," she apologized. "I hope I haven't caused you too much trouble."

Sarada narrowed her eyes suspiciously at the Diamond kunoichi. These past few weeks Yuna had been different. She was no longer her energetic self and slept most of the day away on her days off. Could she be...?

Kaneko straightened and said, "Nonsense, dear. I'll be back here in a few with the alterations."

"Thank you."

Chōchō laughed and popped a consommé potato chip into her mouth. "Maybe if you had listened to me and followed my diet routine you would be down two sizes like me."

"How is eating potato chips a diet, Chōchō?" Yuna huffed in annoyance as she crossed her arms, trying to keep the vein on her forehead from throbbing angrily. "Fortunately for you, your clan can convert calories into chakra while us others have to train in order to burn them."

Chōchō just laughed.

Half an hour later, Himawari emerged with Kaneko. They both had their arms full of more white lace than she'd ever know what to do with.

Her stomach fell. Oh hell, here we go.

Fifteen minutes later, Kaneko was clipping the back of her dress, cinching the fabric tightly around her bust and waist. Carefully she stepped into the little room the store had reserved for them. Sarada, Chōchō and Himawari sat on the edge of the couch, eyes wide as she emerged.

Yuna turned to face the mirrors. Himawari's hands went to her mouth. Before she could let the waterworks loose, Yuna turned her focus back to the dress. It was beautiful, but the details of its design escaped her when all she could imagine was walking toward Boruto in it. To be his wife. To be his, forever.

The reality of that thought hit her like a sledgehammer. She didn't know if she wanted to be sick or pass out or launch into tears. All she knew was up until this moment, the thought of getting married had seemed more abstract. Right now, it was real and staring her in the face, impossible to ignore.

Sarada came up beside her with a broad smile. "It's beautiful. I love it. Do you like it?"

"This is really happening," was all she could say.

She laughed and squeezed her shoulders. "Yes! This is happening, and you're going to be so happy."

Yuna laughed a little at how surreal it all felt. "I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm actually getting married."

Himawari stood on the other side and took her hand, so much love in her eyes. "You ready for this?"

Yuna stared back at her reflection, frozen as she asked herself the same question. A weight inside her lifted when she heard herself answer.


She'd never been more ready.

After all alterations were completed on their dresses, Himawari and Chōchō headed home, leaving Yuna and Sarada alone.

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