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Yuna landed silently on a tree branch in a soft crouch. She could see Ryuuji's hideout in a clearing up ahead, despite the darkness of the moonless night, and her heartbeat quickened at the thought of being so close to her mother once again. They found the location with little difficulty although it was far from Konoha's borders.

"Konohamaru-sensei and the others should be arriving any moment," Boruto said quietly. "What's the plan?"

"The longer we wait the less time mom has," she said. "If you're up for it, I say we just go in and start kicking some ass. Sensei and the others can just catch up."

"Sounds fun," Boruto said, a slight smirk on his lips. "But we need to be cautious of any traps that might be set."

"Of course," she smirked. "That's where I come in."

Yuna made a single hand sign before holding out her hands to Boruto. "Take my hands."

He arched a brow in confusion.

"Trust me," she spoke quietly.

Boruto placed his hands in her small ones and suddenly black liquid emerged from the earth beneath their feet and bonded to their body like armor. "Carbon armor," her smile widened. "This defense cannot be breached by any attack, giving us protection from all attacks, regardless of types, magnitude and directions; thus, we are immune to any/all kind of damage not to mention it doesn't hinder our speed or mobility."


Keeping their guard up, Yuna and Boruto leapt from branch to branch, closing in on their destination without making a sound until they came to the clearing where the structure sat and could no longer use the trees as cover.

Dropping to the ground, they used the thick foliage to hide in as they circled Ryuuji's stronghold, looking for an entrance into the building that would allow them more stealth than the front door.

They finally found what they were looking for, a small door so well disguised that an untrained eye would have missed it. With a teleportation jutsu, they were beside the door in a second and tried to pull open the door.


Keeping to the shadows, Boruto focused chakra to his fingers and placed them over the keyhole. Probing with his body's energy, he was able to reach deep within the mechanism and trigger it, releasing the bolt and allowing them inside.

As she shut the door behind them, Yuna was grateful Ryuuji didn't fortify his doors with bars or dead bolts, otherwise entry would not have been so easy. Yet at the same time, she somehow felt uneasy about how simple it had been to penetrate Ryuuji's defenses. Was he really so cocky that he hardly bothered to fortify his base of operations? Then again, she supposed someone like him would get few visitors that were an actual threat.

The two slowly made their way down long stone corridors which were nearly as dark as the black night outside. They soon found themselves in a labyrinth of twists and turns and was quickly losing their bearings as they made their way deeper into the maze. The complex certainly hadn't looked this big from the outside, but soon it became apparent that the halls were sloping downwards. This place could be immense if half of it was underground.

Fifteen minutes later, they were lost and no closer to finding her mother. She couldn't even send out chakra waves to search for her for fear of being detected. It was essential that she find her mother before Ryuuji found them.

The two shinobi rounded another corner only to come face to face with a wall. A dead end.

Yuna growled in frustration as she pushed a stay wisp of black hair from her eyes. She had heard of this practice used, building a facility into such a complicated maze that any intruder would surely lose their way, but had never actually seen it before. Now she felt rather foolish coming all this way with very little knowledge to go on. She ran her fingers over the cold gray stone and tried to think positive about the situation she was in.

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