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The sound of the shower door closing stirred Yuna from her nap. She twisted in the sheets. The fatigue from earlier lifted gradually as she got her bearings. The clock read 8:00, which meant she'd crashed for only a few hours.

The water stopped and a second later Boruto emerged, a towel around his waist. His chest was gloriously bare, save the tiny lines of water trailing down from his still wet hair.

"Did I wake you up?"

Yuna shook her head, lifting the corner of her mouth in a warm smile. "Come to bed. You've been traveling all day. You should rest."

He crawled into bed beside her, against her back, wrapping his arms around her firmly. His hand caressed her belly, his long fingers splayed out wide.

"How's my baby?"

"She's dancing." She laughed as the baby somersaulted inside her.

"Dancing? Oh yes! Wow. I can feel—" His sentence cut short as Yuna revealed their baby's gender. They had chosen to keep their child's gender a surprise until he or she was born.

With ease, he rolled her over to face him. "Did you say, "She"?

Yuna gasped when she realized what she had said. Finally, she said, "I called the doctor today. I couldn't wait. I had to know."

She saw his eyes widen slightly, but he said nothing.

"Please don't be mad, Boruto-kun."

Boruto's expression softened as he regarded her. He tenderly grasped her chin and nudged her gaze to meet his and said, "Mad? Baby, how could I be mad?" He said, smiling. "We're having a little girl."


His smile widened to a grin. "Wow. We're having a little girl."

Yuna giggled.

He swooped on Yuna suddenly, kissing her hard, throwing his leg over hers, and grabbing her hands so they were above her head.

"I love you," he whispered, and he ran his nose down hers.

Yuna grinned, caught in his infectious smile. "I love you, too. Very much."

A/N: Next one will be the last one-shot. :)

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