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A/N: As promised, the second half of the previous chapter. Thanks for all the feedback from the last chapter, every single comment made me smile. I know you all want Ataru to be found out, but it'll come. I promise.


"So, if you don't mind me asking," Boruto began as he walked alongside Captain Ryouta and his part of the unit. "What exactly are the negotiations between your village and the Land of Berries intel?"

"There are certain areas of our country that the Land of Berries wishes to access. They hope to be able to expand their line of product and business in order to become even wealthier than they already are." He explained. "Our village believes that allowing this will help us to grow more than we already have. I say that it's only going to cause a surplus of people that our country's economy won't be able to support. Sure, it may be alright for a while, but if something was to happen and the Land of Berries backs out mid-contract, then so many people will be without jobs. Our country may be big, but there wouldn't be enough of us to spread out and earn the proper amount of finances to support the surplus."

"I see. So then, do you think that's the reason why someone has been trying to kill the envoy? So that the Land of Berries will stop any ideas of wanting to come to your country?" Boruto tactfully tried to gain more information.

Ryouta simply shrugged. "Who knows? Perhaps someone is just trying to start up an unnecessary war between the two countries."

It made sense what Ryouta was saying and Boruto understood the man's point of view. There were several different factors to take into consideration if the negotiations between Kirigakure and the Land of Berries were accepted. And if approved, Kirigakure would indeed become a more powerful nation.


"Hmph, your teammates are rather annoying you know? Always trying to rain on my parade." Yūhei spoke in a snobbish manner to Yuna after about half an hour after they had set off.

He had slid his door open a bit in order to see Yuna, much to her dismay. The countryside was beginning to become a little rougher to trek through, showing how close they were becoming to the border. In fact, they were walking on a slightly narrow ridge with a deep chasm off to the side down below. It wasn't terribly narrow though; it was wide enough for the width of the bearers, plus the width of three people walking shoulder to shoulder.

"Why does a beauty such as you mix in such a profession anyway? Why, I can just imagine you becoming a star-a main attraction at some grand theatre. You my dear are celebrity material." Yuna continued to walk next to Yūhei's carrier in silence, feeling further annoyed and irritated by his words.

She hated that he wished her to be someone other than herself; for her to step into a world that she knew she didn't and would never be suited for. She was more than content and proud of who she was and what she was doing with her life; protecting her adopted village and the people who resided in it.

"If you let me pluck you up out from that barren field of yours, I can make all of that possible for you. Those teammates of yours shouldn't be breathing your air, especially that blonde one I saw you kissing earlier. He's too low in the ground to be in your presence."

Yuna snapped her head to face Yūhei as she clenched her fists. The look on her face made Yūhei flinch back and hold up a large sleeve over his already, half-covered face. He had definitely gone too far with his snobbish speech. Just as she was about to bring a carbon fist up to grab the girly man by his collar, a large hand grabbed her by her wrist and gently drew her back, causing her to stop, being slowly left behind by the litter which contained the object of her hatred at the moment.

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