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Started 26 May

Louis sighed as he jumped with a groan. Eventually he gave up and chose to pull over a chair in order to reach the top of the fridge. He had been dancing to some RnB music before he became overwhelmed by song and had accidentally thrown his shirt. Unfortunately it landed on the dusty fridge.

The small boy coughed as he inhaled a ball of dust.

"Fuckin hell," he whispered to himself as he turned his music down and dusted off his shirt before throwing it back on.

He can't help the tired yawn that falls from his mouth. It was 6am, truly an ungodly hour - however in his neighbourhood, especially on Monday's he is use to being awoke by noises that he wouldn't dare question.

With a skip in his step Louis pulls on his yellow hoodie before trudging to the door. He has a solid 5 locks on his front door, one of the first signs that his apartment complex is dodgy. As he walks down the stairs to the mailbox, the holes in the wood are the second clue.

But, he takes what he can get. And as a human in this vampire-orientated world, he can truly say that his apartment - although disgusting - is an A class building for many.

He feels lucky.

He hums to the song he was dancing to just earlier as he unlocks his mail box and begins to flick through the numerous letters and flyers. In that exact moment one of his oh-so-lovely neighbours steps next to him. He wears a disgusting smirk on his face as he shamelessly drools over the boy's neck.

Louis cringes, looking down.

Eric, the resident rogue vampire of the apartment complex. That's clue three that the place is dodgy.

"Smelling good today cutie."

Louis looks up for a second before awkwardly chuckling under his breath. He subconsciously pulls his jacket around himself more. He knows that to drink from a human without permission is illegal. But he wouldn't put it past Eric to break that law.

After all, Louis wouldn't be much of a fight. Much too small and weak. Even a rogue like Eric could pin him effortlessly.

"Bye..." Louis is racing up the stairs not a second later.

It's when he steps back into his apartment that he finally gets to look through his mail. There in his hand is a satin finish white envelop with a gold sticker. Louis' eyes twinkle with hope as he sees the return address 'StylesCo'. His hands move quickly to open it.

Dear Louis Tomlinson,

Thank you for your application to StylesCo as an intern. We would like to formally welcome you as part of the staff. You have been accepted in this position and should you which to accept please follow the following steps.

Louis almost faints in that moment, because he knew that when he applied for a paid internship at one of the most recognised companies in the world that his chances were slim. Never in his right mind did he see himself being accepted.

Yet, here he stands with his welcome letter. He squeals as he continues reading. He must ring reception to accept the job. It continues to list the appropriate clothing for work and a start date.

25th March - Four days away.

The caramel haired boy's eyes widen as he pulls out his crappy Nokia, he sighs noticing he only has $1022 on his credit card. He doesn't have work appropriate clothing, but he also knows if he does purchase some that he won't have enough money to pay bills and also feed himself for the month.

That was another struggle many humans faced - lack of funds. Louis had been unemployed for months, living off benefits from the government. Apparently he didn't qualify anymore - as of three months ago he turned 18. They only gave money to underaged humans living alone.

The small boy sighed as he put the envelop down, with a defeated glance at his phone once more he knew his only option was to shop. He just hoped he could find a single work appropriate outfit, maybe two that wouldn't break his budget.

He smiled, looking on the bright side.

He had a job... a real job.

Lets get this storrrry goinnnng

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