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Louis sighs as he stares at the illuminated computer screen in front of him. He reads over his to do list for today and he can't help but just want to go home. 

Work, oh how he loves the money. Oh how he hates the job.

At least the majority of the vampires he worked with were tolerable. Turned out Scott was actually extremely nice, he just liked to tease. Niall was soon turning into his bestie. A whole lot of other vampires had introduced themselves and been nothing but lovely.

It contradicted everything he knew about vampires. In the best possible way.

He had now been working for StylesCo a week, he unsurprisingly hadn't met the man behind the corporation. Harry Styles, Louis thinks his name is? He remembers Scott briefly mentioning his name in a conversation. Apparently the man was a workaholic who never left his office on the 50th floor of the building. 

The small boy jumps when suddenly there is a bang on his desk. Looking up he notices a Dom vampire he had met standing with an exhausted look on her face.

"Tasha? Is everything okay?" Louis asks.

The girl groans, "no Louis I'm tired have been here three days now. Please get me another coffee."

The small boy's eyes widen. Three days? 

"Three days?"

Tasha nods flopping into Niall's empty seat near Louis, "yes I'm trying to impress Mr Styles... he picks an employee every year to travel to Paris with. I want to be picked this year."

Louis' mouth falls open, "what about sleep?"

The girl pushes off his comment, "us vampires don't need sleep really. An hour a month is more than enough for us."

Louis just nods as he grabs a pen and paper, "what coffee can I get you?"

Tasha puts in her order and Louis giggles slightly, "what?"

The small boy looks up at her before responding, "j-just this is your seventh cup today."

The girl rolls his eyes, "I'm a Dom and I have needs. Now run along Kiddo. Chop chop."

Louis bites his lip as he grabs his wallet and rushes down the stairs to the cafe. He was given a staff card to swipe at the cafe, it tabs any drink or food to the companies bill. Apparently all employees received free food and beverage. 

Unfortunately that also meant for little intern Louis he was left the tedious task of collecting most peoples food and drink.

He sighed as he skipped along to the lift. Not many vampires turned to stare this time. It seemed within a week the whispers had died down and the glances towards him had ceased.

Him being a human was old news. He was thankful.


"Please I promise I work here!" Louis whines as he holds a tray of seven cups. Once he had taken Tasha's order it seemed the entire pod had requested a beverage.

The dom security, dressed in all black, stares at him unconvincingly. He doesn't respond - so Louis attempts to step around him. 

Naturally the vampire uses his super speed to stop the small boy.

Louis gasps as the coffee almost spills. With an annoyed groan he awkwardly shuffles through his pockets before pulling out his staff card for the cafe.

"Here see I might be human but I actually am an intern at StylesCo I prom-"

It is in that moment that a man with brown quiffed hair and a stunning shiny blue suit steps up and stops next to him.

Louis gasps turning to stare up at the tall Dom.

"Is there a problem here?"

Louis bites his lip, because he doesn't know who this man is, but he screams power. The Dom has puppy-dog brown eyes yet looks intimidating as hell. Louis can't help but cower into himself.

This is the stereotypical looking vampire he is always taught to avoid.

In his sacredness he doesn't even realise the security guard taking a step back. He evidently recognises the Dom with brown hair.

"U-um I-I was just trying to g-get into the building. I-i'm an intern."

The brown-eyed Dom hums as he looks over Louis' staff card briefly. 

"Let him in. Don't make the same mistake again. We value all workers equally."

The small human gasps as the security immediately takes a step away from the door and allows him to enter.

The unnamed dom opens the door for him, letting Louis walk in first as he follows. Louis feels like all eyes are on him as he walks through the door. The man who helped him doesn't stop, just continues walking to the lift.

Louis doesn't know what came over him in that moment, but he finds himself trotting towards him as he softly calls out, "um excuse me!" He wants to thank the man.

The vampire raises his eyebrows turning around and coming to a pause. 

Louis, who was not expecting the man to stop so suddenly, gasps as he trips over his own two feet. In that second his body falls onto the Dom's chest, effectively spilling all of the beverages over both himself and the Dom.

Louis cries out as the burning hot liquid falls onto his soft sensitive skin. The Dom vampire, naturally is unaffected by the heat however quick to remove his blazer and hold it against the small human's aching arm.

"Shiiiit ouch."

"It's okay... You're okay." Louis sniffles at the man's words, holding in his tears, because he doesn't feel okay - he can feel the burn from the liquid all down his arm. 

It is then that he looks up at the Dom and realises the extent of the spill, there is now a huge coffee stan on this man's lovely suit.

"Oh my... um I'm I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean to I promise. I'm so sorry."

The Dom merely hums, taking the tray of drinks and throwing them in the conveniently passed nearby bin.


Louis wants to cry, because he is so sure he is about to get fired as the man guides him to the lift. The small boy sniffles in worry as the lift door closes and the still unnamed Dom moves to press the floors button.

It is then that Louis' eyes widen at the button he chooses,

Floor 50.

Floor 50 has only four offices, Harry Styles his Pa and Liam Payne and his Pa.... The small boy gasps as he turns to the man.

"I'i'm so sorr-" Louis begins only to be cut off.

"Louis isn't it? Hmmm. Yes, I remember viewing your application. Good lad. Good lad. Nice little resume."

The boy looks up at the Dom, "y-yes I-I'm so sorry but I don't know who you are."

"Liam Payne kiddo."

The boy's eyes widen, because Liam Payne is second in charge of StylesCo and the Styles Clan.

Louis merely keep his eyes down.

Him and his stupid human reflexes always getting him in trouble. He just prays he isn't going to get fired, proving that annoying receptionist right is the last thing he wants....

love some comments. ima comment whore

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