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Would love some inline comments as you read x Made it extra long 

Louis kept his head down as he and Liam stepped out of the lift. He briefly glanced at the window as the Dom guided him through the floor. They were so high up, definitely on floor 50.

Louis sniffled as he rubbed his still aching arm, they stopped outside a huge mahogany door. The small boy bite his lip in worry.

It is then that Liam enters, allowing him to follow soon after.

"Ah let's see now, I could have sworn I had another shirt you could wear...." The small boy frowns at Liam's statement watching as the vampire uses his super speed to search through his draws.

"S-Si-Sir... It's okay really. I'm sorry i-it was my fault anyway..." Louis trails off eyes flicking back to the floor when the vampire looks at him.

"Don't be silly Louis, you can't work in that shirt. It's dripping."

The tiny boy merely nods little whisper leaving his mouth as he stands awkwardly in the corner, "you're not mad?"

Liam looks up, chuckling, "no kiddo. I'm not mad. Mistakes happen."

Louis finally looks up, and he stares into Liam's honest and kind brown eyes. Never in his mind would he have expected the trillionair to be so... nice?

"Thank you... I promise to pay for your dry cleaning bill."

Liam brushes off the boy, "no you won't be. Don't worry please Louis."

The boy just nods, once again blush flushing his cheeks.

Liam groans as he looks in the last draw, and doesn't find the spare shirt, "one second, I'll just check if Harry has one." Liam looks up before glancing at the empty couch, "please sit, make yourself comfortable Louis." 

Harry? As in Harry Styles? CEO? 

The human looks shocked at the authoritative man's hospitality before thanking him in a whisper and sitting rigidly.

He watches as Liam sits in the huge leather office chair as he picks up the phone and dials a number, soon the man smiles as he speaks into the telephone, "Harry! Hi. Sorry to interrupt mate, just wondering If you had a spare work shirt. Oh you do, what size? Extra Large... hmmmm."

Louis' eyes widen slightly as Liam looks over at him, almost as if he is accessing how big that shirt would be on the boy. Little does he know that Louis wears an extra extra small.

He's tiny.

"Look I think that will be too big, but will call ya back later. Nah doesn't matter I'll explain later."

Liam hangs up as he sighs, "I'm going to pop down to the spare room. There is a whole tone of stuff there, surly there are a few shirts. I'll bring some up for the both of us. You're welcome to stay here."

Louis bites his lip as he nods shyly, "thank you..."

"I'll be right back. Don't touch anything."

Louis gasps out an answer fast, "yes Sir!"


Louis can't help but sigh as he swings his legs back and forth on the couch, the couch is huge, his feet just touch the floor. It's more like a padded stool.

He looks around the office, finally feeling confident enough to look up. The room is huge, decorated in awards and certificates. Gold plated furniture and mahogany wood.

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