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Wow I just cant stop writing this story, 1500 words.

The following morning Louis wakes in an extremely unfamiliar room. He whines softly, rubbing at his tired eyes. He can feel his head pounding, it causes him to groan - hand immediately coming to rest on his forehead.

"Whattt the...." Louis mumbles as he sits up, looking around the room briefly. He is in a luxurious room, that's for sure. It is mostly all white, he sits on a huge bed - more comfortable than his that's for sure.

He sits up slowly, now noticing that he was in the same things as last night, the only difference being the pair of his black vans are kicked off and now sitting on the floor

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He sits up slowly, now noticing that he was in the same things as last night, the only difference being the pair of his black vans are kicked off and now sitting on the floor.

He sniffles softly, eyes filled with worry as he stands unsurly. In that moment the door opens. Louis jumps in fright, hand coming to rest on his beating heart.

"Mr Styles! Oh my.... you gave me such a fright." The tiny human pants softly as he sits back on the bed, keeping his head down only glancing at his boss once.

Harry smiles as he walks into the room, "I can hear how fast your heart is beating. Sorry. I could hear you had awaken."

The small boy looks up, remembering that his boss could hear those things. Because his boss was a vampire - the superior race. Suddenly he feels small.

Well, even smaller than normal.

"Um.... Mr Sty-"

"Louis, what have I told you to call me?" Harry asks, using his super speed to race towards the boy, stopping right in front. Louis gulps as he looks up at his boss from his position on the edge of the bed.

"Harry...." Louis speaks in nothing more than a whisper.

"Then you will do best to call me that cub."

Louis' heart picks up, an electricity shooting through him at the dominant rusty voice. The boy nods quickly, willing his heartbeat to slow knowing his boss can hear everything.

"Yes Harry, I um... I can't remember yesterday?"

The vampire sighs, as he offers the boy his hand, Louis lets him help him to his feet before Harry let's go of his soft (much smaller) palm. He can't help but notice that the touch lingers for a moment.

"Come, I asked my home assistant to fetch some panadol? Is that what humans need when hung over."

Louis' mouth falls open, home assistant. He must be so rich. Louis has heard of vampires with home assistants. They are basically vampires who cook, clean, drive, garden and tend to their bosses every need when they are home.

"Yes... panadol helps. Thank you."

Not a second later Harry is passing the small boy a cup of water and two little pills. Louis leans against the kitchen counter as he accepts them gratefully.

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