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Suggest other great vampire Harry and human Louis works here please :)


Louis steps off the bus and immediately he is faced with the tallest building for miles. He bites his lip as he stares up at what seems to be a fifty story building. Their is a small cafe at the bottom, a revolving door points to an exit labeled 'StylesCo Lobby'.

 Their is a small cafe at the bottom, a revolving door points to an exit labeled 'StylesCo Lobby'

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The small boy shudders with nerves. A revolving door, it makes it seem so much more real.

He takes one last glance at the building staring up at it before walking inside. He curls in on himself, holding his arms close to his body. It feels like all eyes are on him within a second. 

He can't see another human anywhere.

Naturally, every vampire turns to the entrance glancing at the smell. Without a doubt they can hear his pulse beating fast and smell his blood. Louis bites his lip, humans would rarely be seen in this part of the city.

The uptown.

He walks towards the reception desk and is glad when some of the vampires turn away - some don't however, it leaves him feeling uneasy and restless.

"H-hi um I'm I-'m Louis T-Tomlinson and I-I am the new in-intern he-here. I don't know wh-where to go."

The female vampire behind the desk gives him an amused look, almost as if she doesn't believe him. She has to be a Dom, the way she straightens her back and smirks - it reeks pride.

With an upturned nose she chuckles, "well L-L-Louis T-Tomlinson..." Louis frowns at her mocking tone, "I was told you would arrive. I'll send down someone from your department to pick you up. You can wait in the reception for the mean time. I have to say though, I don't think you will last any longer than a week, I couldn't even believe when they hired you."

Louis sighs, vampires. They act like the own place. They act like their better than him. The thing is, they do own everything. They are better than him. He shakes his head forgetting her rude words and instead moves rigidly to sit at the sofa.

Not a minute later a blonde haired man is popping his head around the seat, "Lewis Tomlinson? I hope this is you, after all you're the only living thing I can smell for miles."

Louis tries to smile at the vampire's loose humour standing up and shaking his outstretched hand. Louis notes that the vampire is shorter than most only 6'0... It's surprising seeing as most are well past 6'3. He must be a fertile.

Yet, he towers over Louis' 5'0 frame.

"Ye-ye-yes. It's um Louis.. Louis."

Louis doesn't know why he said his name twice. He wants to crawl into a ball and never leave. He's embarrassed and scared because everyone in this building is tall with beautiful pale glassed over skin.

"Well Louis. Welcome to StylesCo. I'm Niall and I'll be working with you and showing you round. So let's jump straight up to the 27th floor."

The tiny boy merely nods with a shy smile, at least Niall seems friendly. They enter the lift and within a second it is zipping up floor by floor before they reach their destination.

Louis gasps as they step out and he is faced with the reality of working life. There are cubicles everywhere, and vampires using super speed to get from place to place. Someone is in the back and carrying so many boxes, of which Louis probably couldn't carry a single one without help.

It's intimidating.

"Louis, this is George, Andy and Scott. Boy's meet the latest intern."

The small boy looks up from his position next to Niall and shyly smiles at the three tall vampires staring at them. They each have black hair; one quiffed, one with straight hair to his shoulders and another with a curly mop top. 

They are stunning.

"H-hello... ni-nice to meet ya."

The one, Scott - Louis thinks it was, chuckles. He flinches briefly as the man ruffles his caramel locks, "oh don't be nervous kiddo we won't bite... Yet." Scott ends his statement with a wink.

This has Niall elbowing him in the rib, "aye cut it out, let's not scare him off."

"Just having fun with the fresh meet."

Louis' left staring up at the man who waves at him, speeding off without another word. Niall merely rolls his eyes, guiding Louis away from the group as he speaks.

"He's nice... despite what he comes across as. Just cheeky."

Louis nods unsurely.

"Come on now, I'll show you your pod." Louis struggles to keep up as the blonde walks, he has to chuckle as he slows his paces, "oops sorry Kiddo."

Kiddo. Was that going to become a thing?

"I'm eighteen." 

Louis' cheeks redden when he realises what he blurted out.

The blonde vampire laughs loudly at that, clapping his hands once together, "Mmm and I'm 863."

Louis' cheeks are tinted with more red than before if possible. He chooses to remain silent maybe that would help him to not embarrass himself.

"So kiddo, here is your desk. Not much, but something. I'm right next to ya, I'll be sending you tasks..."

Niall continues and Louis listens intently.

He can't help but notice how all the other desks are huge and look pretty, but he has a small rundown thing hidden by the wall. Oh the perks of being a human...

"Oh by the way Louis, you're not expected till 10am everyday so yeah... it's 8am now so you're a bit early."

Niall laughs, but Louis frowns.

"Humans have to be early to keep their job Niall."

Niall's laughter dies down, and he can't help but pat the tiny boy on the shoulder. Because as sad as it is, it was so fucking true.

"Sit down kiddo, I'll email you some work to do yeah?"

Louis merely nods, compliment and quite. How humans are taught to be.

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