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"Fuck I can't believe that bastard made you bleed." Harry growls as he ushers Louis inside, back into their hotel room.

Louis' in a state of complete shock. He let's Harry guide him to the couch as he recalls what had just happened.


"Leave my mate alone!"

Louis gasped as he saw Harry rush at the vampire towering over him. The small boy screamed at the rogue vampire ignore the CEO racing forward until Louis was pushed against the concrete wall.

Despite all effort to struggle the rogue vampire's fangs were penetrating his neck as he took a deep gulp of Louis' blood.

Not a second later the rogue was being ripped from the small boy's body by none other than Harry Styles. Louis let out a scream of worry as he fell to the ground, back against the brick wall and knees coming comfortingly to his chest.

He watched with tears of sacredness filling his innocent eyes as Harry's fangs protruded and his once porcelain skin began to crack slightly. A thing that only happened when powerful vampires were enraged.

Louis gasped as he watched Harry brutally hurt the rogue.

"Stop!" Louis gasped as he quickly stood, legs falling towards Harry with his hand stretched towards his boss, "oh my God Harry stop!" 

Harry's now clouded over black eyes met with the small boy's innocent blue's and in a second he seemed to return to Earth. Turning back to the rogue and with one more harsh punch to the nose, throwing his lethargic body to the side of the ally way.

"Louis. Fuck he bit you, let me get you back to the hotel."

Flashback End.

The curly haired CEO ran into the bathroom tugging out the emergency human kit. Something by law all hotels, businesses and stores had to have (although many didn't), he was thankful this one did.

Not a second later he was sitting next to the small caramel haired boy as he pat his neck gently with a wash cloth.

"Ouch..." Louis gasped, hand coming up to touch Harry's wrist.

The curly haired man's eyes met Louis' and they stared at each other for a long time before eventually Harry whispered, "I'm sorry.... I'm just cleaning the wound."

Louis nodded, presenting his neck more. They were seated so close, their thighs touching, it sent tingles through Louis' body. He felt so special, so loved, he felt in love.

After Harry finished cleaning his wound he placed the kit on coffee table, turning back to Louis quietly.

For the first time ever, Harry seemed unsure, almost nervous. Louis stared at him before quietly speaking up.

"What did you mean?"

The vampire raised an eyebrow, "hmm?"

Louis bit his lip unruly, "your mate?"

Harry ducked his head, running a hadn't through his unruly curly locks, "I wanted it to be special. I'm sorry."

"I don't understand Mr St-"

Harry shushed the boy before he could finish, "Harry Louis. Harry."

Louis nodded, sitting back against the large couch, raising his knees to the couch as Harry followed similar actions, leaning against the back of the couch so their faces were mere centimetres apart.

"I meant... what I said. The minute I locked eyes with you, the minute I saw you. The minute I smelt you. I knew that I loved you. I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you Louis. I knew that you were, that you are perfect. I felt something that a vampire can only feel once in their life. When they meet their mate. Louis, you are my soulmate.... and I'm yours.... Made for each other."

Harry doesn't know what he expects Louis's answer to be, but he worries when he doesn't receive one at all.

"You have to have felt it a little bit at least Lou... I know as a human you wouldn't feel the immediate connection, but there was something, right?"

At this point, Harry was searching for validation, so scared that Louis would reject him.

"But... human's they don't have soulmates... humans and vampires don't mix...." Harry smiles, because Louis' first words aren't immediate rejection. 

"I have heard of one other vampire that had a human soulmate, it is possible - just one of the rarest things in the world. Only society says we don't mix. I respect you just as much as I would a fertile vampire. More even."

The small boy looks up at Harry through his eyelashes, "I really do feel it.... Harry, god I feel the connection, you make me tingle with butterflies."

Harry's smile takes over his face, his hand coming to squeeze Louis's soft, tiny, tiny hand, "right back at you baby."

Their eyes never leave one another for a minute, before Louis' frowning, dropping his vision to his lap briefly, "but I can't give you everything a fertile can. It's not fair on a Dom Vampire like you."

Louis stands, letting his hand fall from Harry's. The Dom frowns, as he stands, stepping forward so he and Louis are chest to chest. ( Okay, more like face to chest). 

"No, you can give me more Louis. So much more. You know why, because whatever God's are out there, they chose you. They chose us. Nobody is better than perfection."

Louis' lips form a tiny smile before he is staring up at Harry's face, "is this real."

"God I hope so." Harry mutters as he holds Louis' hand once more.

"I have so many questions..."

Harry nods large fingers rubbing the small boy's arm comfortingly, "tomorrow. Sleep now cub."

Louis hummed as he let Harry guide him to bed, pulling the covers over him, "why do you call me that?"

The CEO smiled as he passed the boy his teddy bear, "because your my little cub, and it's my job to protect you."

For the first time in years, Louis fell asleep feeling safe.

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