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Check out my new Harry Styles Funny moments on youtube. Link in bio.


Nothing was said for a week after the incident. Louis didn't bring it up, neither did Harry. It was just something that happened in the spur of the moment for them. Something that didn't need to be discussed. Almost like it was normal.

All CEO's lick their human employee's blood right?

Probably not, and Louis knew this. But something in the back of his mind told him this was the most natural thing in the world. At least for Harry and Louis. It felt right.

Needless to say, both Stan and Harry had talked him out of quitting. The vampire had quite literally fallen to his knees begging the small boy, pleading the small boy to see how much he was worth.

And of course, Louis couldn't say no to a man on his knees. Who could?

Especially Harry fucking Styles.

Louis sighed fondly just thinking of him.

His hair, so perfectly styled into a bun, his skin so toned, his jaw so sharp... Are the heart eyes showing? Oops.

Louis was finally back at work this week, and Harry had to smile brightly as he saw the boy walk in for the first time in what seemed to be forever.

"Mr Tomlinson..." His smile edged more towards a smirk.

"Hello..." Louis' voice was shy as he sat at his desk, blushing cheeks.

"Good to see your back." Harry stared into the small boy's eyes, receiving a tiny smile in return.

Not a second later Liam was walking into the office, well more like rushing into the office, "oh fuck. Do we have any towels... Or something to wipe up a spill."

Louis and Harry both stared up at the vampire dom who was in a rush, he looked so confused, worried and also uncomfortable?

That's when Harry noticed that Liam was holding a baby, a baby vampire in his arms, "Liam... uh-the... a baby?"

The man stops for a moment, "yeah i'm babysitting for the week for my sister. He puked in my office. Oh shi- Louis can you hold him."

Before Louis can even answer Liam is placing the baby in his arms and running around the room frantically finding a cloth and leaving.

Harry eyes flicks between staring at a confused Louis holding the tiny baby and the frantic Liam running out of the room before standing and unsurely and following Liam, "umm. Just stay here Lou."

Louis' eyes widen watching as Harry rushes after his second in charge, leaving him alone with what appears to be a six month old baby boy - probably a dom, the baby is pretty bulky.

"Gaaaaa, daaaa-naaaa. Lalll." Louis laughs softly at the babies babble.

"Hey sweetheart, aren't you the cutest little thing." Louis runs his finger over the babies soft hand, he loved kids.

Not a second later however the tiny boy is sniffling before he begins to hiccup, the baby crying suddenly and without warning. Louis' eyes widen at the baby in his arms. He begins to rock the small baby back and forth, patting his back gently.

"Oh no darling boy, shhhhh." And surprisingly, within minutes, the baby is quite, laying on his shoulder, staring into Louis' blue eyes.

Louis smiles, laughing softly when the baby goes towards his chest, looking for milk.

"Oh no darling, I'm not your mummy sorry baby boy. I'm sure your uncle will have a bottle for you soon yeah?"

In that moment the two dominant vampires make their appearance again, Liam calmed and Harry dusting his hands on his pants. Louis smiles shyly at Liam.

"Thank you Louis, my sister had to go to her best friends wedding in India for the week, so I'm babysitting little King here."

"King? That's a cute name." Louis comments as the baby kicks his leg into the air, Louis giggles at the action. Harry stares on fondly, not because of the baby, but because of his baby's giggle.

"Yeah, he's six months, big boy for that age, a dom." Liam speaks as he begins to take the baby from Louis' arms.

Louis frowns as immediately King begins to cry reaching back for Louis as Liam picks him up.

"Oh no, King it's Uncle Li... come on baby please..." Liam desperately rocks the boy with no luck, his cries only getting louder, "I've never had to look after kids before."

Louis bites his lip as he stands, walking towards Liam softly before asking, "um may I?" The second in charge gratefully allows him, "please."

Passing the tiny dom over into Louis' arms is like magic, because in that exact second all cries stop and he returns to his happy state.

Harry and Liam both stare at Louis in shock.

"I think he likes you..." Liam mumbles in awe.


Day four of five, Thursday.

It's been four days of Liam bringing his nephew into the office - four days of jealousy fuming in Harry's core. Louis gave his every second of attention to that tiny baby. He gave him heart eyes and talked to him softly and cooed at him.

Harry knows he sounds silly, but he was admittedly, is jealous of a six month old baby who couldn't walk or speak.

"Louis..." Harry spoke softly, gaining the boy's attention. Louis was currently cuddling the tiny baby, feeding him his bottle.

"Yes Sir?"

Harry's eyes flick between both the baby and tiny human who smelt oh so delicious. As much as he was jealous, he had to agree the sight of Louis with a baby was absolutely endearing and made him imagine life with Louis and their own baby.

One day.... if the counsel.... oh he doesn't want to think about it.

"Can you just do your work, give Liam the baby - I need you to do your work, I have paperwork due. I'm waiting on you."

Harry doesn't realise how harsh his tone is until it leaves his lips, he immediately cringes.

Louis lip quivers for a second, Harry's guilt eats at him as he watches Louis rush off into Liam's office and return not long after alone.

"Sorry Mr Styles... It wont happen again."

Harry nods, he can hear King crying, Louis looks to the door - sad eyes. Harry wants to give the boy everything he wants, but he also wants all of Louis' attention. And now he finally has it, so he does the only thing he can think of.

He walks to the door, closes it - quite.

"So Louis," Harry begins, finally Louis' pretty eyes are looking at him, no other distractions, "i didn't get a chance to ask how your night was."

It's a trivial question really, but to Harry it meant the world - because he had all of Louis' attention. And that's all that matters.

I tried writing this chapter so many times, and wrote around 100 words a day, I just didn't know how to write Harry being jelly of a baby - sorry it wasn't the best.

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