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Louis giggles, rolling around in the comfortable sheets of Harry's huge bed. Last night was beautiful, that's the only way Louis knew to describe his experience with the vampire. He turned over eyes falling onto the man himself. 

There Harry laid on his side, chin in his palm as he smirked at the small boy.

"I love your sheets they smell nice." Louis giggled, nose nuzzled in the pillow.

Harry smiled, wrapping his arms around the boy and holding him close so he couldn't escape. 

"I love you too and guess what cub? You smell better than these sheets that for sure."

Louis giggled as suddenly he was lifted into the air and onto Harry's hip before the small boy knew he was placed on the bathroom counter and a toothbrush was in his hand.

He looked at Harry with a blink at the sudden movement, the vampire stood smugly already brushing his teeth.

Louis rolled his eyes, putting a bit of toothpaste on his brush, "dork."

"You love me."

Louis couldn't help but giggle, yeah he did.


Some would call it a coincidence, Louis wanted to call it an Omen. There Louis was shopping for more stationary, and just like last time there at the end of the aisle was the raven-haired vampire. Louis let out a small squeak as he saw the vampire, quickly turning his cart around and making a move to exit the aisle.

However he was too late, he had already spotted and before he knew it the vampire had used his super speed and was now standing in front of him.

"Zayn... hi." Louis spoke, voice high and unsure as he took three quick steps back.

He watched as the man took a deep breath coming close and pushing Louis against the shelving.

"S-stop, you're scaring me." Louis mumbled eyes closed as he felt the vampire sniff at his neck.

"No...." Zayn mumbled, but he wasn't responding to Louis he was talking to himself, "gosh you naughty little boy."

Louis opened his eyes watching as the raven-haired man smirked, "he couldn't keep his hands off you could he." Zayn let his finger trail over the caramel haired boy's pretty cheekbones before mumbling, "but who could?"

With that he was pressing a soft kiss to Louis' cheek and racing out of the store, his own cart left in the middle of the aisle.

Louis was left shocked, scared and most importantly worried.


Louis finished his errands for the day and two hours later as he began the rather long walk to his car. He called Harry telling him about what had happened in the stationary store.

"It was so weird Harry, and just like that he left." Louis heard a low growl through his phone. 

"Im leaving the office now, I wan't you home as soon as possible and in my arms."

Louis smiled, a fondness brushing over him as he waddled through the never ending alley towards his car. Bags upon bags held in his arms. He and Harry continued talking, however he couldn't help but notice the three vampires behind him continues to follow his every move, each turn he took, they took. He whimpered softly.

He lowered his voice, hoping the three men behind him and their super hearing couldn't hear.

"Hazzy. I think some people are follow-Ahhh!" 

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