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"Fucking unless cunts."

Louis' eyes widened as he stared at the angry vampire storming through the hotel. He watches as Harry growled, throwing a plate against the wall before pulling off his tie. Louis sat tieing his shoeless up on the couch.

"M-Mr S-Styles... is everything alright?" 

Harry had seemed normal until a second ago when he had answered his phone. After that his anger had only risen. They had been preparing to attend their 6am meetings. Louis was bloody tired, but he understood vampires did things when they wanted.

It was 5.20am.

"No I'm not the stupid client called our meeting off. It was apparently because he was 'sick'. What a joke. Vampires don't get sick."

Louis bit his lip as the curly-haired CEO mumbled curse words under his breath.

"Don't worry Mr Styles... um everything will still get done."

Harry sighed, calming as he locked eyes with the tiny human on the couch. Louis was cute, he was small and looked frightened at the vampire's outburst. Suddenly Harry felt guilt rise up his body.

"I know... I just hate being pushed back a day." Harry sighed as he unbuttoned the first four buttons of his shirt, revealing his tattoo. Louis' eyes drifted to his chest, swallows adorned below his collarbones.

Harry's heart fluttered at the attention from his mate. He just wanted to hold him in his arms and  never let go.

"Well, looks like we have a free day to ourselves Mr Tomlinson, what would you like to do?"

Louis' eyes widened as Harry helped him to his feet. They were standing in front of each other, Louis staring up, the CEO staring fondly down.

"I-I... I don't know. What even is there to do in New York."

Harry smirked. He knew the perfect place.


"H-Harry... this is for vampires..."

Harry chuckled as he placed his hands on the small of Louis' back and led him to the ticket lady.

"Two tickets please."

The curly haired man watched as the Dom-girl sniffed Louis, she could smell a human from a mile away. Especially once as nice smelling as his little assistant.

"Vampires only kid."

Harry raised an eyebrow passing her a few hundreds, "he's with me."

She didn't falter before handing over two tickets, "enjoy the theme park."

Harry only smiled as Louis looked at him shocked before dragging him inside.


"I'm scared.... I don't know if I want to do this anymore Harry..." Louis mumbled as he subconsciously drifted closer to the vampires side as they waited in line.

They were at an exhibition, a theme park of some sort with lots of coasters and rides. Of course Harry had convinced him to go into the haunted house 8 minute immersive experience with him. 

Louis was petrified. Suddenly they were first in line.

"What... want me to hold your hand?" Harry teased.

Louis however ignored the vampires teasing smile, the worry evident on his face as he stared up at the dark haunted house, a man dressed as scream sticking his head out from the curtain entrance.

"Yes." Louis' immediate answer was, as he took initiate to grasp the vampire's much larger hand. Harry took Louis' hand in his happily, looking down at the gesture made his heart warm with joy.   

"Don't worry cub I've got you... after all, it can't be that bad can it?"

Louis looked unsure, however before he could answer they were being rushed through the entrance. Immediately he clung to Harry, the vampire wrapping an arm around his waist.

They walked through the dark corridors as horror music played, evil laughs could be heard and green dim lights shun from the narrow hallway. Suddenly, they entered a room with white and red stripes.

"No. No I don't like this Harry! I don't like this!"

Without warning a clown was jumping out of the closet and running at them, so close it's red wig tickled Louis's skin.

The tiny human screamed in complete fright, loud and feminine. Harry too jumped.

"Holy fuck!" The vampire laughed as he and Louis ran into the next room. 

"This isn't fucking funny Harry!" Louis huffed as he clung to the vampire even more. Harry stared down at Louis thankful for his good sight as it was very dark. Suddenly he realised how actually scared the boy was and guilt consumed him.

"Lou it's not real cub... these are just actors."

"I wanna get out. Please please."

Not a second later a man with a chainsaw was chasing them, the loud noise ringing through their ears. Louis' scream was deafening as he ran into the next corridor. Harry on his trail, he paused for a moment.

"I can't breathe Oh my god."

Harry's eyes widened, "shhh. Here we will make it out okay don't worry."

Before Louis knew what was happening Harry was picking him up, onto his hip as he hid his face in the CEO's neck and they were making a run through the maze before eventually finding the exit.

"Is it over?" 

Harry placed the small boy on the ground, who immediately fell onto his knees. Harry bent down to comfort him.

"Yeah cub, we're outside... I'm sorry. Didn't realise it would be so scary for you."

Louis finally opened his eyes, little teary blue eyes, it hurt Harry's heart.'

"I'm sorry I'm no fun Hawwy."

The CEO could only smile, "don't you ever apologise your perfect."

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