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"How did this happen?"

Harry stood, now in his clan house. The large mansion like palace was a thirty minute drive away from his home, and somewhere he had quickly rushed an unconscious Louis.

He had vampire specialists, vampire doctors who could help. Each had looked over the still sleeping boy, and come to the same conclusion.

It was impossible, never-heard of.... yet here Louis was.

A miracle. 

"I cannot say Harry. There is no record of this. I cannot say if it is permanent or temporary."

Harry rubbed his temple, flopping onto the seat next to the bed Louis lay on, his seemingly lifeless body now covered with a fur blanket.

The vampire closed his eyes as he thought back to what his specialists and scientists had discovered.

"It is unbelievable Harry. We all did scans, doubles even. There is no way this is possible but it has happened. When you bit Louis, and he drank your blood is should have triggered the change caused by vampiric venom. But Louis' body has reacted differently. His heart, it is not beating, so technically, he is not alive - but he still breathes, he is still here. But, he is also not a vampire, there have been no genetic changes - he does not have fangs, his skin has no paled. He is still entirely human - alive and dead simultaneously. I cannot explain it in any sense but that."

If that news had not had been shocking, what the next specialist in the lineup of many had disclosed was.

"Harry, that is not everything. He is with child. The child is alive, and well. It is the prophecy Harry it has begun."

The CEO watched as Liam walked into the room, sitting on the bed and tucking Louis in slightly, "he is okay Harry - he is still with us."

The vampire stared at his friend, before his eyes moved back to Louis' neck which had somewhat healed, not like a vampire's would have - but enough to know Louis would be okay.

"He has no... no heartbeat. Yet blood still pumps through his veins. How is this possible Liam."

"It isn't.... But here he is Harry. We must not dwell on what ifs. We must move on and conquer this new avenue." Liam paused, rubbing his mate's shoulder, "Harry. You are very smart. I heard what Louis told you. We cannot trust Zayn. We must track him down. He was the only one to know that Louis was with child, he probably smelt the change on him, we are with Louis too often to identify the difference. Zayn would know, he had to have told the council. The vampires which hurt Louis were undoubtedly council workers who were sent to kill Louis, in order to ensure the prophecy was not fulfilled."

Harry growled, anger bubbling within him, "I know. I hate him. He will pay for this. They all will." Liam didn't respond, unsure if he should promote Harry's violence or chastise it.

What Liam did do, was stand and pull his best friend into a comforting hug.

"Please know Harry this child is now the most important person in the world. We are about to enter a new era, prophecy's never lie. Tread with caution."

Harry could only sigh, he was never going to let Louis out of his grip again.


Louis had awoken the following day, Harry was by his side the minute news hit his ears. He was scared the boy would be different, his personality changed, his attitude abnormal.

However once Louis' soft voice his his ears all worry vanished, it was the same boy he knew as his mate, the boy he had taken as his, the same boy he loved.

"Oh dear boy you will never leave my arms."

Louis coughed Harry hugged him tightly, "I'm cold."

The vampire was quick to wrap the fur blanket around Louis' exposed chest and stomach, a hand coming to rest on his tummy underneath.

"It's happening." Harry whispered, now laying next to the boy in the double bed.

Louis looked at Harry, a confused expression across his features before his mouth fell open in understanding, "I'm-i'm..."

Harry nodded, "pregnant."

Louis' tiny hand moved to cover his lips, shocked expression making its way onto his face.

What he was about to find out, was that was just one of many changes in his body. 

short is better than nothing 

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