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Apologies, I had exams and also bought a car lol.


Harry can't help but watch Louis closely that week. He keeps his eye on him as he passes him hallways, as he walks into work and Harry even begins to collect papers from the printer himself - the printer on Louis' floor.

He takes note of the boy's cuteness, but also how vulnerable he is. How even the weakest of vampire can easily push him over, how he has to look up to everyone he talks to because he is just that tiny.

Harry can't help but think back to three days ago when he saw Louis and another vampire in the break room.


"E-excuse me...I-I just need to get into the... just need... sorry can you just step out of the way of the cupboard for a second?"

Harry raised his eyebrows as he walked into the break room, eyes immediately going towards the tiny human who was talking to a vampire hogging all the space near the free coffee machine. The vampire raised his eyebrows unpimressed by the human boy, refusing to move.

Harry frowned, but sat down, eyes never leaving the scene. He tried his best not to look suspicious.

"Please Sir, I'm just trying to get a cup."

Harry frowned harder, lines becoming evident on his soft porcelain skin when the vampire, he thinks is named John refuses to move again.

"John. You heard the boy. Move." Harry finally speaks up from his position on the chair in the corner. The CEO has his legs crossed, a newspaper in his hand and it just screams power and wealth. He can't help but notice the fright that flashes across John's features, and he quickly running out of the room with a simple, "yes Sir!"

Louis finally locks eyes with Harry, flashing him a nervous and very timid thankful grin before turning to the kitchenette and preparing a teabag. Harry continues to watch the boy with a lovey grin to his face. 

He hits it behind his newspaper as he watches Louis jump to open the cupboard, but alas the boy is too short. Harry's sensitive ears can hear his grumbles and puffs of breath.

Now noticing that they are the only two in the room Harry stands, walking over to the boy. He stalks towards him before stopping, front flush against Louis' back as he leans over the boy and effortlessly passes him a mug for his tea.

Louis can't help but jump as he turns around to see the CEO there with a smirk on his face, Louis stares up at the much taller man and he can't help but think he was beautiful

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Louis can't help but jump as he turns around to see the CEO there with a smirk on his face, Louis stares up at the much taller man and he can't help but think he was beautiful.

"Thank you...."

"Anytime cub."

End Flashback

Liam walks into Harry's office that day and immediately his eyes are rolling to the God's above. There the CEO is, going through Louis' file when he should be prioritising his annual general meeting which is tomorrow. 

"Again? Harry, really?"

Harry rolls his eyes this time as he closes the binder and stares at the brunette, "what? I can't interact with him romantically, the least I can do is learn about him Liam. He is really smart ya know."

"He may be smart, but he isn't capable of being your mate Harry."

The CEO's head immediately snaps towards Liam, and within seconds his super speed is bringing him and Liam smashing into the wall as he suffocates the vampire against the plaster.

He knows Liam won't be affected by the strangle, but it's the intimidation factor which counts.

"What is that mean't to mean huh?"

Liam chokes out a cough as he pushes Harry off him, the vampire hissing in return, "Harry he is human. Powerless, vulnerable, your enemies will steal him, ruin him, or worse."

Harry growls as he speeds to his desk, in his anger throwing his glass of blood on the floor.

Liam speaks up again, "Harry it isn't fair to have him. It isn't fair on him you are putting him in danger, but also our clan."

Harry finally goes silent, not a submissive silence, rather a scarily angered silence, "Mr Payne, he is my chosen mate and I plan to bond him. You will not speak your pessimistic opinion again or preach it to others without my consent. Do I make myself clear?"

Liam was taken back at his friend's attitude, it reminded him of how he treated clients, to the point and emotionless.

"Harry-" Liam began only to be cut off as Harry slammed his fist on the table and glared.

"I said do I make myself clear?"

The brunette vampire's eyes widen in shock as he nodded, not a second later Harry dismissed him with a simple, "you are to collect Louis and bring him to my office at once."

This time, Liam didn't argue.

So lol this was a comment on my Larry Youtube video

So lol this was a comment on my Larry Youtube video

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