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It had been a week since they returned home. Harry was odly affectionate with Louis, perhaps he felt like the small boy deserved more attention than normal in this hard time. Or maybe he was just in love.

Yeah, he was certainly in love.

"Lou babe, come here." Harry muttered as he motioned with his hand. He rubbed his temple, pushing his desk chair back. Louis, whose desk was still in Harry's office, smiled at the attention walking towards the man and gracfully planted his ass on the vampire's lap.

"Hi." Louis whispered, leaning up with pouty lips, Harry of course ganted him a kiss.

"I thought we, you might want to meet my clan tonight."

Louis was aware of the term clan. Many vampires lived their lives alone and with just the company of their soul mate. However, more often than not, vampires joined clans - huge groups with heirachy, usually extending many generations. He knew of the Styles Clan, suppossidly one of the most powerful clans in the world.

Louis had always wondered where the Styles clan lived, and why Harry didn't board with them. Because, Louis' knowledge of clans suggests that they generally live in one huge, well, mansion!

"Where? I mean, don't you usually live with your clan?"

Harry nods, "yeah, and I used to live with them, all other members of my clan - excluding Liam, live in Birchwood, a town over, there is a huge place their which houses all 300 of us." Louis' eyes widened how big was this 'place'. 300 was enough people to fill a street, maybe more.

"Why don't you live with them Hazza?" Louis asked making himself comfortable by resting his cheek against the vampire's shoulder. Harry leant down to press a chaste kiss to his forehead. Softly petting this innocent boys thigh.

"I find great pleasure in the solitude at my own residence, after growing up with 300 other vampires...."

Louis frowned, "do I annoy you by disturbing your solitude?"

Harry smiled, easily manhandling Louis so he was stradling him, "oh baby, solitude has never seamed so displeasurable, when the possibility of being with you for the rest of my life is on the table."

Louis giggled as the vampire used a fancy tone as he speaked.

"Haz, I love you."

Harry just smiled pressing a kiss to Louis' soft lips, "meet my clan, formally, my family."

Louis nodded with a tiny smile, "okay."


Harry's 'huge place' where his clan lived, was an understatment. This 'huge place' was an actual palace fit for royalty. Louis wonderd why it was so far away, when now he understands - it was the size of an actual suburb.

 Louis wonderd why it was so far away, when now he understands - it was the size of an actual suburb

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