Chapter I

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I glanced up at my ceiling and blinked once. Twice. And three times. I was bored out of my skull but i couldn't get up because that would then mean i was awake and mum would be alerted and then start me on my lessons in etiquette and how to act like royalty. I scratched my nose and suddenly was reminded that i was busting to piss so bad. Trying to hold it in for as long as i could i finally gave in. I threw the covers off and tried to untangle my legs from the duvet. I stumbled to my en suite and didn't bother to close the door.

I pulled the front of my boxers down, let my penis loose and directed it so my piss landed in the bowl. I smiled to myself as i felt myself empty. Once i had finished i wiped my penis, pulled my boxers back up and washed my hands. Just then someone burst into my room.

"Prince Max?" They yelled in.

I called from my bathroom as i dried my hands on a fluffy white towel. It was my maid Anya. She was a cute 17 year old who totally had a very obvious crush on me but she didn't know i knew. "Yeah?" I asked.

She turned to me, her brown waves tied messily back in a ponytail. "Your highness, your mother the Queen is asking for you and your brother to meet her in the throne room right away." She delivered to me.

I nodded. "Thanks, can i get changed real quick?" I asked. She nodded and looked down at my boxers.

After a while of her staring at me i cleared my throat and she snapped out of her trance, blushed and left the room, closing the door behind her. I smirked to myself as i went over to an armchair where i had laid out my clothes for today. I pulled my boxers down and replaced them with new ones, pulled on my tight black skinny jeans, pulled a grey hoodie over my head with a wolf's face on the left hand side, then fixed a had on my head. I brushed my teeth and sprayed myself with some after shave or whatever and head out of the door.

I pushed the throne room door open after i had finally got there and stepped inside. Mum was in her throne with papers all around her and in front of her, on the lower floor stood my twin brother Prince Harvey Kitt Mills. I took my place standing tall beside my older brother by 2 minutes and waited.

Mum took her attention away from her papers for a second to look over her two eldest sons and then cleared her dry throat. "Now boys, i called you in here because i need to talk to you about your betrothals." She started.

I already hated this conversation. "I have updated pictures, likes, dislikes, a whole file here on your future wives and both have taken the test. They are still virgin and legible to have children."

I cringed back. Our whole lives has been mum feeding us what these girls like, teaching us what not to do based on what they disliked, dressing us in clothes that would make the girls take fancy to us, dying our hair in Harvey's case. Harvey had been born with brown hair like me, chocolate brown but now we didn't look identical or slightly identical anymore because he had blonde highlights in his fringe because the girl he's betrothed to likes blondes but Harvey had put his foot down at bleaching his hair blonde.

"Max, here's yours." She said holding it out. A squire took it from her hand and carried it down to me. I took it from him and dared not to open it now. "Study her well." She warned and then did the same for Harvey.

Without another word we assumed we were dismissed and so left the room. After Harvey shut the door and we made sure no one was in the halls we collapsed and breathed out. I cracked my stiff back and groaned, not wanting this heavy file in my hand.

Harvey though opened his and his jaw dropped. "What's the problem?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No problem, just glo-up af!" He smiled.

I was intrigued and peered over his shoulder. He was right. Last i saw Princess Dylan Conrique she was a normal pimply teenager but now, in this picture she looked amazing. Her black hair swept nicely down to her shoulders, her smile was dazzling, her breasts fully developed and bulging through a tight top. I nudged Harvey and smiled weakly. "Have fun rolling around in bed with her."

Harvey grinned and closed the file reluctantly. Then looked at the one in my hand. "Check yours." He insisted.

"Why? You and Dylan are in line for the throne. I've been banned from romance my whole life. The only girls i know are Dylan, Riley and Anya but I've never met Dylan and Riley. How can i choose if Riley is my love and if i want to give myself up to her? She's hot and always has been and in this picture she'll probably be every guy's dreams but... i dunno." I tried.

Harvey grinned bigger and punched my shoulder. "You know she only does this because she loves us, right?"

I glanced back at the door and imagined mum flicking through her papers, busy with buying wedding planners, babysitters, condoms.

"Yeah, at least this weekend we get to finally meet these girls destined to touch our dicks." I smiled.

Harvey laughed. "Yeah cos that's all that matters bro."

"Do you think mum would get pissed off if we hit it off really well and had sex on like the second night?" I asked with a smile.

"Nope, because as long as you provide her with heirs to the throne, i see no problem with carrying on the Mills' family name." He smiled, walking back to his room.

I smiled after my brother and then looked back down at the file in my hand. Slowly i opened it and nodded. "Hi Riley." I whispered to myself and the picture of the beautiful girl before me.


I decided that for this book it would be in Max's Pov probably for the whole book which is different and i will hopefully enjoy it more because i am constantly writing about Max!

Hope you like it!


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