Chapter XXVII

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"I'm not being weak!"

" You're giving them what they want. "

"They want me!" James yelled.

" They want your body. Don't give it to them! " I yelled back with force.

James shook his head. "No Max. They took my body already. They own me! You can't always fix things!" He shouted.

He had given up like they wanted.

"Dying is not our way out of this!" I tried. Tears welling down my rosy cheeks.

" Then what is? "He demanded with a joke of exasperation.

I didn't have an answer and he knew it.He

James shook his head at me with stay tears flowing from each eye, dribbling down into his bruised thighs.

I took a look at the James Adams I knew.

This wasn't him.

The James Adams I knew was funny, full of laughter, cheeky, strong and very attractive by nature.

The James Adams that agree back at me now was weak and vulnerable and broken. Full of sadness.

His once tussled blonde hair was now stuff and washed out, dead and broken.

His eyes used to be a colourful array of ocean blue to emerald green. Now they were very with desperation. Red rimmed from abuse.

His cheeks were hollow so you could see his cheekbones, but not in a good way.

His freckles had been washed away.

He had no colour to his skin. He was grey with no drive to carry on.

There was a red scratch on his forehead, a deflated went on the side of his head and his whole body in general was covered in black and purple bruises.

Before, when I knew him, he was strong. He had a toned stomach and a healthy athletic physique.

Now, I could easily count every single rib that stuck out. His arms and legs were thin and frail.

" Max. "He breathed out.

I looked up with lost hope.

" I want you to know that I don't blame you. "

"No. I should have listened to you. You warned me but still I dragged you into this. All of you."

Then, James did something I never thought I'd see again.

He smiled.

"It was a pleasure to have served by your side as a friend." His eyes sparkled.

I shook my head. "No James. No, no, no! We're gonna get out of here! Please! James! Don't!"

"It was a pleasure to have met you Prince Max Luca Mills."

He closed his eyes and I heard the last breath escape his lips.

He leant against the wall, his eyes closed peacefully, a small smile on his lips. As if he were sleeping and having a nice dream.

He looked young again.

His mum would never have known that her son, her baby, would be driven to insanity and abused to a point where he was almost unrecognisable.

What about the small boy that just died inside?

The one that giggled with missing teeth. The innocent wide eyes that sparkled and had his whole life to look forward too, only to die young and broken.

I collapsed to my knees and curled up into a ball. I screamed out in the pain that erupted within my chest and let tears run down my cheeks and slap down on my bruises thighs.

He stood strong for so long.

But everyone has a breaking point.

What was mine?




But it has to be done!

I am so sorry but as you know James Adams does return in 'Fake Love// Harvey Mills ' which will be released on Friday 26th July 2018 hopefully!


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