Chapter VIII

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After we had finished our drinks and cakes, Anya and Chanelle sitting on the other far side of the cafe, we all decided after Payton's suggestion to go hang at some skate park.

Following James' plan to ditch the girls we planned to meet them at Costa again in roughly two hours. Rana felt slightly out of place in amongst a big group of rowdy boys so she opted to stay with our maids.

As we walked and talked Harvey pulled me aside. "I feel fine now." He whispered as Payton let out a snort.

" What do you mean? "

Harvey made sure no one was looking at us before whispering back at me. "I felt really weird in the cafe. My stomach doing flips and my heart feeling light or some Shit but, I feel fine now?"

I bit my lip and honestly had no idea what to say. "Well, what do you think it was?"

He shrugged. "I have a hunch but I want to be wrong. I wanna be so fucking wrong."

" You two ok? " James asked looking back, his phone in his hand.

Harvey nodded slowly and to save my twin from more awkward interrogation I jumped over to James and snatched his phone out of his grasp. He cringed back and lunged his body after his possession with a shrill shriek.

"I'll fucking kill you Mills, give it back!" He said trying to wrestle it out of my hands but i just grinned away, standing taller and stronger than him.

He was on a girl's Instagram feed and was down a long way so he must have been doing it a while. I laughed and clicked on some of her photos. No doubt she was pretty but i couldn't help but hoot with laughter. Pedestrians walking past glared and shot us dirty looks for being so rowdy and noisy but this is normal boy stuff.

I caught the name and yelled out, "who's Sierra?"

James smacked my ass and I yelped, as I did he grabbed his phone back and immediately pressed the middle button and turned it off, returning it safely to his back pocket.

"No one dickhead." He replied with a sneer.

Harvey laughed. "Nah, he's not a dickhead, he's boner boy." He sniggered.

" Shut up Harv. " I said shoving him harshly.

We sat down on an elevated piece of wall and looked on at other teenagers moving swiftly on their skateboard and turning effortlessly on their bikes as easily as walking.

I shook my head. "I wonder what life would be like if I wasn't a stupid prince." I muttered.

" Crap. "Payton replied shrugging and pulling his green bomber jacket fighter on his shoulders. The top of his hair in the sun shone gold.

I furrowed my eyebrows up at him. "What makes you so sure."

He looked down at me. "You royals are so obsessed with yourselves. I bet you don't even know about the lives your subjects live." He passed off.

We all waited for an answer seeing as all of us were royalty so Payton answered.

"All of us are underpaid cheap Labour slaves. You snobs tax us of our money so our employers can't pay us well and then what little we do earn, more than half goes to you guys." He explained.

"That can't be right." Harvey tried. " we don't need that money. We earn enough. "

"Think about it Harvey. Your parents don't work, what do you mean by you earn enough? Where do you earn it from? It comes from your hard working subjects." He broke.

I scratched my head and tried to come to terms with it. "Do you work?" I asked.

Payton pressed his lips together in a thin line. "Yeah." He replied bluntly, running a hand through his thick hair. " I have to. Our dad died a year ago and our mum has been worked to the brink so Rana and I have to earn the money. "

Harvey broke in quickly. "Rana?" He asked.

Payton nodded. "She's a maid." He breathed out. "like yours. "

Before any of us could answer or do anything a girl rolled up to us on her skateboard and stopped effortlessly with a smug smile as she looked down on us.

She was our age and looked like a right badass. Her hair was dark brown with blonde/grey curly tips, her eyes a shimmering dark hazel colour. Here eyebrows curved upward as she let out a small laugh.

"Oh my God, what are the royals doing here hanging out with a lowlives like us?" She sniggered.

Payton rolled his eyes so one guessing this girl was bad news.

"More importantly, what is Prince Caden shithead doing here stinking up what good air we have?" She demanded.

My jaw dropped and almost hit the pavement beneath my feet. She can't speak to us like that!

"Jordyn, shut up." Camden threatened.

She faced him directly with a look of mischief in her eye. "Who are you to tell me what to do? You have the guts of a bastard to come here fuckface."

" Hey! " James yelled suddenly, standing up, facing the girl off. He was taller and stronger. "I don't care who the fuck you are but you better buzz off cos your attitude is really putting the piss in piss taking."

She crosses her arms tightly over her chest. "Or what pretty boy? You gonna make me or something? Huh?" She stood her ground stiffly.

James was about to answer, probably with something that was 100% not appropriate, when Caden pulled up next to him and our a hand in his shoulder to tell him to back off. James still didn't back down but he shut his mouth.

"Jordyn, listen I'm sorry about what happened between us but I can't help it." He admitted.

She glared at him. "You're not sorry. If you were sorry you wouldn't have done that to me in the first place. You wouldn't have lied to me, made a fool out of me." She said angrily.

She pushed her plans out and planted both squarely on Caden's chest with an almighty shove. He tripped over his own feet and crumpled down to the ground, just managing to save his head from hitting back in the ground.

She turned on her heel and skated away without another word.


It's official. My updating schedule is messed up.

Also, I never thought it would happen but I am in love with BTS!
After months and years of one of my best friends xx_ChYnA_xx trying to get me into Kpop, I always made fun of her and them... and now I am obsessed!


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