Thank You

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Thank you again to everyone who read, voted and commented on my book. I am so pleased that you enjoyed it and please, if you have any feedback, tell me anywhere, i would love to make future books more enjoyable for you.

My new fanfiction is called 'Fake Love//Harvey Mills'

Here is the blurb of that story:

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked with a cheeky smile playing on his lips as he shook the graffiti spray can violently.

I let out a dramatic laugh and shook my head. "You're joking right?" I asked.

"I'm not allowed doofus." I smiled as i too shook my can of cherry spray paint.

He nodded to himself and went back to the wall. He pulled up his face mask and pressed down on the nozzle and a black splotch hit the wall. He dragged the paint with his hand and directed it for where he wanted it to go. It was like watching an artist, the way his hand moved so perfectly and the way he manipulated the paint to do what he wanted it to do.

I was about to start on my own piece of art when a question popped into my mind. A question no one really knew the answer to. "Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked in confidence.

He stopped spraying and pulled down the mask. "What?" He asked, looking down at me in shock.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I repeated.

He smirked and opened his mouth. "Nah."

This answer took me by surprise. "Why not?" Everyone i knew would pleasurably date him.

He let out a light laugh, something which made me too smile.

" 'Cos you're not allowed a boyfriend."

I shoved him in the arm harshly. "You're such a flirtatious dick Harvey Mills" I laughed.

It was true. I hated Harvey Mills. He annoyed me to the core, he was so piss taking and he was a big flirt. Full of himself and just in general an annoyance and waste of space. But there was still that very small part of me that felt something wonderful as my name rolled off his tongue.


When you're stuck in a school full of bad kids, it's hard to have the worst, but some people make it easy.

They're on the run from police. They break and enter, they have no care for anyone else, they hate their families and all they want is the world at their feet and they'll do anything to get it, even if it means breaking a few fragile hearts.

Thank You once again.

And now for your character questions:...

Max Mills

Harvey Mills


Rana Moormeier

Payton Moormeier

James Adams

Caroline King

Sara Mills

Tilly and Leo Mills



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