Chapter VII

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Seeing as Harvey and i hadn't been outside the palace walls for years we had no idea where anything was and then of course Caden and James aren't from here so they had no idea where anything was, so i guess you could say it was a good thing we had maids with us. Anya knew where all the best eating places were even though she'd never stepped foot into one and Chanelle knew all the best clothing shops even though she could never afford any herself.

I wondered what i was going to buy for Riley as Anya lead us to a cafe that was apparently really nice, according to it's ratings in the paper and what not. I pulled up next to Harvey and smiled. "Feels good to be free doesn't it."

He nodded and inhaled deeply. "Smell that untoxicated freedom air." He smiled giddily.

As we laughed together the rest of us stopped, i slightly bumped into Chanelle and she recoiled as if i'd pinched her. Weirdo.

"Well, here it is your highness's." Anya said brightly pointing up at the name above the door.

I read it carefully and don't remember ever seeing a cafe or shop with such a random and odd name before. "Coaster?" I asked, reading aloud.

James sniggered. "Dude, it says Costa. As in Costa coffee." He giggled.

"Dude." I said mocking his tone. "You do know i haven't left the palace in years. As in many years." I said copying his annoying laugh.

Caden punched my arm. "That's actually pretty good. You got the annoying side right."

I nodded. "Yeah you know what, i think i'm gonna drop being a Prince and be a ventriloquist and travel the world with James the dummy."

James shoved me backward with a cheeky smile and before i could catch myself like normal, Harvey had moved from behind me so i couldn't grab anyone to help secure my balance so i went crashing down into the person behind me. I landed on my butt and my back rested on the other person. I groaned and quickly got off the other person who was coughing and trying to get up.

"I am so sorry." I said on my hands and knees.

They waved me off and looked up after one last cough. "That's cool. No harm done." They said.

Caden pulled me up so i could offer to help the other person up. I gave my hand and they took it and pulled themselves up with it. They sighed and shook the dirt off their clothes and their hair.

"Well, i'm gonna need to shower this grit outta ma hair." He smiled.

He was with a girl i'm pretty sure was his sister, they looked similar.

While her brother dusted himself off and we stood there awkwardly the girl peered closer at me and blinked a few times. Then she pointed at me, her finger inches away from my nose. "Aren't you the Prince?" She asked.

Her brother stopped what he was doing and looked up and with the same face screwed up his nose to see clearer. "Oh, yeah." He clocked on.

Knowing that there was no way i could get out of this i put my finger to my lips and breathed out a small 'shh'. "People aren't supposed to know it's us or our day of freedom will be ruined." I explained which gained me an almighty pinch from Harvey on the elbow.

"I'm Max, this is James, Caden and Harvey." I introduced.

The girl nodded but she seemed as though she were in a dream, staring past me. That was really weird, so her brother stepped in. "I'm Payton and this is my sister Rana."

I nodded in acknowledgement.

"So, what are you guys doing out here anyway?" Payton asked. "I'm pretty sure the servants in the castle can make better coffee than Costa can afford." He laughed.

"Yeah, maybe, but Anya said this is a good place to chill and have 'good' coffee." I explained.

Payton furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Whose Anya?" He asked.

"Oh." I turned around and pointed to the girls. "That's Anya and she's Chanelle. They're Harvey and my maids."

"Wicked." Payton grinned.

Payton looked like he was James' age. Younger than eighteen but no younger than sixteen. He had a lot of thick light brown hair that glowed gold in the sunlight, his eyes were hazel and also were bright enough to be golden and his nose and cheeks were decorated with freckles but you could tell they were faded freckles that only came out when exposed to too much sun and he had very bright red cheeks.

His sister Rana also had similar bouncy light brown hair and hazel eyes that shone brightly and her smile was dazzling. She looked as though she could be sixteen, not younger or older.

"Well, hate to break up this bonding right now but i am starving." James popped in holding his stomach.

I glowered at him. "Shut your face Adams before i sell you to these people to work as a cheap labour slave everyone can laugh at." I smiled.

Rana shot me a sudden dirty look and Payton laughed nervously and quickly. Before i could inquire Caden rushed us in. "Come on, you can talk with Payton and his sister inside once we've ordered."

So Caden rushed us inside and we sat with Payton and his sister. All the while all of us seemed very happy and perky talking whilst Harvey sat basically silent which was very unusual of him. If anyone who knows Harvey is reading this then you know, it is R.A.R.E for Harvey to shut up.

After we got our drinks i pulled Harvey aside and whispered in his ear. "What's up?"

He bit his lip and shook his head. "I feel kinda sick i guess." He passed off.

I nodded and let it go uncertainly.

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