Chapter V

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We were laying on the grass with our eyes closed, soaking in the serenity of the sun when I heard a yell.


It was so loud I couldn't even pretend I hadn't heard it, and Riley had definitely heard it. She sat up and looked about. "Who was that?" She asked in panic.

"Anya, my maid. " I explained. "We better go." I said getting up and extending my arm out for Riley. She took it and pulled herself up.

"My parents are gonna kill me." I sighed out, not wanting the moment to end. Riley and I would have the rest of our lives together forever and I'm sure that after our first night of sex then that would break the ice slightly.

We rushed back to the living of the forest and stepped out into the open. Anya was standing in her tip toes, looking worried and stressed. She caught a glimpse of us and sighed a heavy sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. Your highness, your mother the Queen is looking for you and her highness Princess Riley. Prince Harvey and Princess Dylan have already gathered in the great hall." She explained.

" Shit. Does she know we're outside? " I asked.

Anya but her lip. "For your sake, I hope not."

I groaned and practically ran back inside with Riley in tow. As we briskly walked Riley laughed, "your maid has a crush on you."

" I know. " I replied bluntly.

I ran directly to the throne room and before opening the door i stopped, caught my breath and gathered myself, then i pushed the doors open with a heave. In the room were Riley and Dylan's parents, my mum, Harvey and Dylan and two other random boys i'd never seen before. Mum smiled at us whilst shooting me a glare as i smiled nervously and stepped in.

"Sorry, for being late, we..." I couldn't think of a good enough lie. Luckily i didn't have to.

"We were in such a deep conversation about our duties to our kingdoms that we lost track of time. We apologise." Riley curtsied.

Mum smiled and nodded to say that all was forgiven but i knew better. Harvey caught my eye and shook his head at me. I was going to be dead later, but there was no use trying to fight it now so i smile down at the ground, cursing myself softly. Why can i never do anything right?

No. Max, stop feeling sorry for yourself. It's stupid and a waste of time. You can do things right and you know it, stop being an idiot.

Mum perked up and held her head high. "I called you in here because Princess Riley and Princess Dylan's brothers are going to be staying with us for a while and i want you two to get to know them, treat them well as you will be sharing rooms with them."

Why would we need to share rooms? There are plenty of plenty spare rooms... unless this is another one of mum's schemes for us to get to know Riley and Dylan and how they are at home. Right. So i would get the pleasure of hosting Riley's brother... wait

"I didn't know you had a brother." I whispered in her ear.

She bit her lip and avoided eye contact with me. "It's not ideal but, he's not my blood brother. He's y dad's brother and his wife's child but after their kingdom was destroyed by the rebels, my uncle's dying words were for my father to take care of his son as his own. Obviously my dad agreed and i got a step-brother." She explained in a whisper.

I nodded to myself and looked at both of the boys. None of them looked slightly like Riley so i couldn't tell which one was her step-brother. Although, one of them did look slightly like Dylan so, i mean it could be the other one? Wait, what? Other who? I'm confused...

"Prince Caden Conrique shall be sharing with Harvey." Mum announced.

The boy with dark ginger hair, green eyes and orange freckles over his nose smiled and nodded politely. Yep, he did have a passing resemblance to Dylan even if it wasn't that much. They could have easily been second cousins. So the other one was 

"Prince James Adams will be sharing with Max."

James didn't look anything like Riley. He had fair blonde, tangled hair, his eyes were blue but they weren't as harsh, they were softer with a speckles of green and grey and he had freckles over the bridge of his small nose. He shot me a polite smirk.

. . .

"So, you got Riley." He laughed.

I nodded and slumped down on my bed, finally away from my mum and Riley. I didn't have to put on an act anymore. "Bro, can we talk about something other than my sad life?" I asked.

James laughed again. "So Riley contributed to your sad life?"

"No offence but she's the reason." I admitted.

"Yeah no, i get it. Just be glad though that your parents are-"

"What? Caring enough to betroth you to a girl you never met? That they're always busy and don't have time for you? You don;t even know if your dad even knows how old you are anymore. Your mum and dad only care about your twin who is older then you by two damn minutes that they don;t even take the time out to appreciate you anymore."

James shook his head and looked me in the eye. "I was going to say alive. Not everything is about you you know Prince Max Luca Mills." He shot at me.

I rolled my eyes and sat up straight on my bed in annoyance. "Trust me, i know that."

"Then stop feeling sorry for yourself. You and Riley are in the same boat. She's gone through exactly what you have except instead of a twin, they've been focusing on me and my good publicity i bring them having been adopted from my parent's dying kingdom. You do know that they only died last year, right? Riley and i have been through a lot and trust me when i say that she isn't too thrilled with having you as her betrothal."

I opened my mouth but then closed it again. I wasn't feeling sorry for myself. Was i? And he was right, i had no idea about his parents dying last year. That must have been really tough and hard and for me to disregard it like that. That's only something a real dickhead would do. Riley has been through what i have except, the whole James and Harvey thing but in the end isn't it all down to us who make that final decision?

"James, i'm sorry. I'm just so confused man. The only thing I've ever wanted to do with my life since forever is play music." I confessed.

Mum had banned me from playing my guitar and singing. Harvey and i would harmonise together, me strumming the guitar and he banging on the drums. It would feel amazing until mum and dad banned us because... well you know why.

James sighed and scratched his head. "Well, if you want we could go somewhere tomorrow?" He asked coming over and sitting next to me on the bed.

James was smaller than me but only by a bit so he looked directly into my eye-line. "I can't. My mum would freak."

"Not if we lied and said we were going out to make Caeden and i feel more welcome into this kingdom." He smiled at me.

I nodded and thought it through in my head. "Yeah, that would probably work. But it would only be me, you, Caeden and Harvey?"

He nodded with a smirk. "I've had enough of girls to last me a lifetime."


Ok so i need a girl to be James' girl. If you want to be featured in my story just comment your name, likes, dislikes, hair colour, eye colour and any other details, like if you want it to be dirty or any other thing like that.

Comment at the name if you wanna be with that boy:

Prince Max Luca Mills (is taken, sorry.)

Prince Harvey Kitt Mills

Prince Caden Conrique

Prince James Adams


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