Chapter II

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I stepped into the shower and let the warm water hit me like a wall of serenity. I moaned softly to myself as i slid down the shower wall and sat cross legged on the floor of the shower. I thought about my life as the water rushed off my skin, beads trickling down my damp hair, turned dark by the water. My dad was the King and so had to go around other kingdoms to deliver peace offerings and other various things he won't tell me about. He trusts Harvey more than me because he's older even though it's only by 2 minutes, it's because he's in line to the throne before me. Then there's mum. The Queen with so much paperwork to do on weddings, peace offerings, visits to other kingdoms that she has no time for her own kids. When i was a kid i didn't even know she was my mum until i was about eleven.

Prince Harvey, my brother is cool most of the time- practically all the time but it does get me pissed when dad calls him away for secret discussions about the future of the kingdom and how his marriage to Dylan is the most important. Harvey got the prettiest girl, got the most money shares, he got everything i didn't. Now don't get me wrong, i'm not jealous but it does kind of hurt when your parents favour your twin who's older than you by only 2 minutes but apparently those two more minutes mum spent in labour for me count.

Then there's Prince Leo, the royal pain in the arse. He enjoys teasing me about my lack of 'love' from my parents and how when Harvey marries, he'll forget about me and my parents won't even bother talking to me. Princess Ava Matilda Mills is my favourite sibling. She's the cutest little Princess you could ask for, she has the manners of one and she's totally adorable and i have a sweet spot for her because she's so small. Leo teases and says i like Tilly better because i haven't ever had any emotional affection or feelings to other girls so i latched onto the first one i could see. Well i say up yours. It's complete bullshit.

My face suddenly felt a rush of heat and it brought me back to reality. I looked down and realised what i was doing. I was masturbating! I quickly stopped and flinched away from myself in shock. I hadn't meant to, i didn't realise... although... it felt good and relaxing. I looked back down at myself and shakily returned back to my normal position. I took my penis in hand and looked at it, trying to make up my mind. It's a known fact that every male in the world has masturbated at least once and that's at least, and every female masturbates as well, sometimes without realising. Slowly my fingers moved up and down my dick, stroking and rubbing it, careful of the foreskin and leant back against the shower wall looking up, the water no longer in my range but i still felt the steam hit my face.

After about ten minutes of pure serenity i got up and had a normal shower, shampooing my hair, conditioning it and a bunch of other expensive hair products to keep my hair light and fluffy almost. Then i body washed my body and put some various ointments over my skin and rinsed off. I turned the knob of the shower and the water abruptly stopped. I stepped out and dried my body off.

Once dressed i didn't bother with a hat. I wondered around the castle. The halls were dark at this time of day because it was winter and the curtains were drawn closed because my mother didn't like to be reminded that she wasn't in control of the weather. I went to Harvey's room and pushed the door slightly open and stepped inside. His room was much bigger than mine. His bed was bigger than king-sized with cream sheets and a huge bedpost reaching up to the ceiling identical to mine. His floor was a soft and fluffy carpet that your foot sunk into once you stepped on it, the walls were cream as well although when we were younger Harvey's room had been crimson red and mine royal blue but then our parents decided it was too childish at the age of five and they painted over it, Harvey cried for two hours which is funny now but wasn't at the time. His desk had a huge mirror over the top of it that my parents insisted he had to make sure he always looked good in every angle of light. He had various books and other products for hair, body and whatever thrown on it.

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