Chapter XIX

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I moaned silently to myself. It was all I could hear. All I could do. My whole body ached with fatigue and over tired stress, building over me, looking like a bad dream that doesn't leave your mind.

My mind remembered my life before. Was it even that long ago?

A day?

A year?

How would I know? All I could think about was how my life used to be. Harvey and i, Leo and Tilly. I'd forgotten about Leo and Tilly. I missed them, Tilly most.

She was sweet and adorable with cute dimples cheeks, her missing teeth and her cheeky laugh. Her eyes were very big and kind, like Harvey's. Leo looked more like me, mature for his age and slightly arrogant.

I remember one time when Harvey and I were six, Leo was there and Tilly wasn't born. We took Leo outside and showed him how to play hide and seek. He would giggle and think it was peek a boo. So Harvey would count and I would hide with Leo. We always his behind the same free because we didn't want to go anywhere else.

Obviously Harvey found us within minutes and attacked us. He would tickle us until I pushed him over because I was bigger and stronger and then I'd help Leo get our revenge on him until my twin begged for mercy.

I had very few memories of Leo and I getting along. We always clashed because we were so alike. It made my heart ache now, knowing that I'll never see him again.

I'll never be able to smile down to him. Never ruffle his blonde curls. Never help him through any difficulty he faces. Never tell him how much he really means to me. Never tell him I love him.

I'll never see Harvey again.

My twin.

My other half.

I may as well be dead to him.

After all he's done for me. He's looked after me. Stuck up for me. Helped me. Talked to me. Made me laugh. Taught me. Hugged me. And I can never give it back to him.

We live our lives taking simple things for granted. We only realise how much these people mean to us when they're gone.

We spend our lives learning and growing. Taking things from people to grow in the hope that one day, you can give it back to them.

I closed my eyes and blinked these thoughts away. There was no point being silly and crying over what I have no power to do to change.

My teeth clenched together as I grabbed harshly at the duvet beneath me. Tears threatened my eyes but I blinked them away. I had to stay strong.

My head lolled back as I breathed out a heavy sigh of relief. My fingers unclenched their harsh grip but otherwise stayed still. My breathes came out shallow and deep. My mind numb.

The girl collapsed next to me nd started to play with my sweat drenched hair. She smiled and tickled my face with her lips.

She planted a kiss on my neck and got up from where she was and started pulling her clothes on. My wrists burnt through the handcuffs that held me firmly to each bed post so I couldn't move. Couldn't escape.

She smiled back at me. "For a first timer, I'd give you a 9. I definitely got what I paid for." She gave me a slutty wink before pulling the door open and stepping out.

Once the door closed I couldn't help it. Tears streamed out of my eyes and down my cheeks, behind my ears because I couldn't sit up. I shook my head and cried softly to myself.

I looked up at the new camera in the room and knew that James was watching.

"I'm so sorry." I choked out with an uncontrollable sob.

I let out a gastly choke and let out more tears. Tears I deserve to let out.

My first experience with sex and I already wanted to die. To kill myself. To find Harvey in heaven and tell him how stupid I was. How sorry I am. How much i love him. How much he means to me.

The TV screen flickered on to live footage of Rana. She was screaming to herself again. Clawing her hair out, rocking back and forth. Blood running down her face. Slowly going insane. And it was my fault.

She was muttering words through her screams but I didn't need to be a genius to work them out. She was screaming for Harvey. For Harvey to come nd save her. But he wasn't coming.

He didn't know where here was.

The image distorted to one of Chanelle. She was crying with dead eyes. She looked at me and covered her mouth with her hand in shock.

"Max..." She managed.

Maya's voice. "You wanna see her Maxy?"

I struggled to keep consciousness. I felt the tight cuff on my wrists loosen and soon my hand fell down to my sides. My wrists has deep burns and gashes from the metal and fast movement inflicted on them.

I gasped out in pain as more cold tears rolled down my hot cheeks.

"Get changed and go through the door. You guys are neighbours." Maya chuckled.

On the floor was only my boxers. My dirty boxers. I picked them up anyway and pulled them on, not caring anymore as I hastily made my way to Chanelle's room.

My raw knuckles rapped on the thick wooden door labelled 4. The brass knob turned and my heart jumped when I saw who was at the door.


Who's at the door? Call it.

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