Chapter XI

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I was sat cross legged on the floor outside my bedroom. Apparently after Riley started coughing up blood I went into some sort of shock and someone had to take me out of the room. They gave me water when I woke up but then quickly dashed off again to go and tend to Riley.

My breathing was heavy and ragged but at least I was breathing. My head as tilted up to the ceiling with my eyes shut.

I felt someone standing over me and I wasn't bothered to pretend not to notice so my eyes opened in slits slowly mostly out of curiosity. To my surprise I was greeted with a kind face caressed by crimson red hair and light brown eyes.

"How're you holding up?" Chanelle asked genuinely.

I gave an aching shrug. "Fine I guess." I answered bluntly before adding, " you can sit if you want. "

She gave me a half smile and slid down next to me. This was the closest I'd ever been to a girl who wasn't Riley.

"I guess I owe you my thanks for saving me."

It was her turn to shrug.

"Why me?" I asked suddenly.

She seemed taken aback by the question. "I'm sorry?" She asked. Baffled.

I sighed. "You weren't standing anywhere near me when it fell. Why did you save me? You were closer to so many other people." I explained.

She looked away from me and down at her lap. Her hair fell around her shoulders like a glossy curtain so I couldn't see her face. "I dunno... I guess... It's stupid." She admitted.

I nodded, "why would you care what I think?" I tried.

Her head lifted up and she turned to look at me. Her expression was pained. "Seriously?" She asked quietly.

I displayed just how confused I was on my face.

"You mean, this whole time you've never clocked on?" She asked.

" Chanelle, I barely know you but I do know that there's something up with you. I want you to tell me what that is. " I pressed on in a demanding tone.

Her head tipped down again as she let out a soft whisper.


" Illieyou. " she mumbled.

I groaned. "Come on!"

" I like you ok! I like you Max Mills and I can't help it, no matter how hard I try. I'm in love with you and all I want to do is make you happy. "She blurted out.

My mouth froze and my throat turned dry. I couldn't feel my face anymore as I tried to stay conscious. I blinked roughly and felt myself tipping backwards but moved to catch myself and stay alert.

" wait you're serious? " I asked. She nodded back.

"I always thought you had a crush on Harvey."

She wrinkled her nose up. "Trust me i don't know why it is either but whenever I see you smile I smile bigger and your laugh makes my world shine brighter."

I bit my lip slowly and groaned to myself. My life was a mess of confusion and love right now, but i wasn't about to go feeling sorry for myself. I'm not a kid. All teenagers go through this crap so i just have to stick it. It could be worse.

"I'm sorry Chanelle but... I don't feel the same way." I said uncertain. I didn't feel what Harvey said he felt toward Rana so... It isn't love. Right?

She pressed her lips together slowly as if in disappointment. "I know... I just. I can't help my feelings for you and finally getting them out in the open... I don't know what I was thinking."

Royal Pain//Max MillsWhere stories live. Discover now