Chapter XX

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My heart stopped. My mouth hung open. My legs buckled and my eyes blinked in disbelief.

He had hazel/green eyes, his smile was endearing, his light brown hair with blonde highlights.

It was Harvey.

I struggled for words as I pointed to him, dumbfounded. Harvey smiled and let out a little laugh. "Max, it's ok. I'm here. I got the message."

I let out a small sigh of relief and steadied myself against the doorway. "Did you save us?" I asked.

He nodded happily. "I saved you."

" All of us? " I asked, worried about the state we were all in.

Harvey's eyebrows pulled together in confusion. "All of us?" He repeated like he didn't understand.

I nodded slowly. "Yeah. James, Payton, Chanelle, Rana, Caroline..." I listed.


" What? "

"I said ," Harvey's face began to change. His skin molting, stretching and crumbling as his clothes changed. " No. "

I gasped as mum looked down on me. Her death stare hard as ever. A wild look of rage in her eyes as she glared and pointed and accusatory finger at me. "You will kill them Max!" She yelled in a distorted voice.

My hands pressed down on my ears as I shook my head. "NO!" I yelled over the blood roaring in my ears.

" Yes! And You will make them pay for their sins! " She screamed.

My eyes clamped shut as I let a rip roaring scream out. "NO!"

I inhaled deeply and gasped for breath.

She wasn't screaming anymore. Slowly I pulled my hands down and didn't hear anything. I turned my head to look up and had the clown bearing down at me with razor sharp, blood dripping teeth, pulled into a tight smile.

"You gonna say hello Princy?" He tormented, pulling a white gloved hand from his behind a bright blood red pom pom button.

I shook my head defiantly. My hands pressed down on my ears again but i could still hear him. I closed my eyes but i could still see him. Grinning and beckoning toward me because he wasn't real. None of it was. But he was alive. He was alive and growing in my mind.

  "Really? That's sad because... I really want to say hello to YOU!" He screamed lunging at me with a butchers knife.

I tried to dodge but it was all in my mind so i couldn't move. The point found my arm and tore through the skin and ripped into the muscle. My throat ripped raw as my scream filled the atmosphere as a burning hot liquid spewed from the tip of the knife and snaked around my body. Filling my blood flow with poison, taking over my mind. Slowly driving me insane.

My mind fogged up and my vision turned into a bleak twist. The clown smiled and that was the last thing i saw of the real world.

My eyes closed and i felt my body drop to the floor but i was still awake in my mind.

I looked at myself, i was standing up but i could see my body lying down on the bed where that girl just raped me. Maya was standing over my body, unaware of my presence looking at her now.

"Night Max." She said, leant over and planted a kiss on my sweat damp head. I was breathing slowly and twitching.

I looked over at Maya who had a needle with the plunger pushed all the way down. My mind pieced it all together and looked down at my arm where the knife had gone in and indeed i found a small prick mark where the needle had gone in. Not a knife.

Maya had drugged me with something strong. Probably so another girl could rape me. She walked around the bed and started to the door. Straight past me without a glance. I turned on my heel and began to follow her.

She pulled the door open and stepped through. As i grasped the handle after her and walked through, i walked straight into a grand hall i recognised to be the one back at the palace. I looked behind me in confusion at the door i'd just come through and indeed it was  the palace doors i had opened so regularly throughout my lifetime but never dreamed of doing again in my life.

I heard a weird noise and saw a lady sitting alone in the centre of the room. Her back to me. She was hunched over. Her clothes were sad and dark. She was crying uncontrollably.

"I'm so sorry!" She sobbed, buckling onto her knees, holding something to her chest dearly.

I walked closer to inspect the woman. I felt sorry for her even though i didn't know what was wrong. Maybe it was another peasant woman who was in a dilemma that mum hadn't cared enough about to help out. Maybe she had lost someone she cared deeply about.

She let out a dear choke and cried out in pain. I felt tears prickle in my eyes as i saw her, suffering. I wanted to make her feel better but she couldn't even see me. I wanted to help her but she couldn't know that.

My hand acting out of instinct stretched out to touch the woman. My fingertips were seconds away from making contact. i didn't know what would happen if i did touch her. I guess there was only one way to find out really.

My fingertips stretched out a slight bit more. The woman suddenly flinched and the paper she was holding slipped out of her hand. As if she had felt my presence. My hand drew back instantly.

My head craned over to see what had dropped. As my eyes made sense of the picture my jaw dropped open. It was a little boy. He had curly unruly brown hair, his teeth were outlined with big braces, his cheeky smile told you instantly that this boy shouldn't be trusted with sharp objects or fire, his innocent eyes shimmered green/hazel.

I knew his name because i recognised his face.

He was Prince Max Luca Mills.

The woman suddenly turned around. Her hair was a complete mess, her eyes were puffy and bloodshot, her cheeks weary, her mouth curved into a permanent drop.

Tears welled in my eyes as i covered my mouth and blinked in disbelief.

"Mum?" I breathed out.


Sorry i forgot about it in the last one.

Max Mills

He along with his older twin brother Harvey Mills is entangled in the bad crowd of boys which he usually is too caught up in the blur of excitement to realise what he's doing. He is hardly ever caught doing anything wrong because Harvey makes sure he stays out of dangerous trouble. He's still brought along on raids and illegal crimes but Harvey always makes sure he escapes smartly and usually takes the fall for his little brother. He is also 16 and one of the underdogs of the group. He is strong and sometimes uses his strength against other weaker people.


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