Chapter XVII

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I don't know how long we were held in that van for, cuddled up together in our underwear but i was pretty sure it was night by the time we stopped. James had pissed in a manky bottle and screwed the lid tightly on so it didn't spill, much to the girl's dismay but it was better than pissing on the floor. The van juddered to a halt and for a minute there was nothing but silence.

Chanelle lifted her head off my lap and looked around the darkness in fear. My skin aroused goosebumps up my arms and legs from the blast of cold we got hit with as someone yanked the loud metal doors open. I ducked my head away from the light but not for long because the light was a dim yellow colour. I moved my hand from my eyes and looked outside.

We were in a basement car park, deserted but i knew it was underground because of the loud echoes that bounced off the hollow walls. Maya stood smiling at the door and nodded as she saw us cowered back in fear.

"Well, i hope you enjoyed that ride because it will probably be your last enjoyable one." She teased but made Chanelle grip my arm that bit harder so i could feel my veins go cold.

She slapped her hands against her fans. "Out with your hands on your heads and stand in a straight line in front of me." She barked harshly.

We all slowly let go of each other and raised our cold hands, touching our sweat damp hair as we took it in turns to step out of the van. As my feet hit the cold floor it shot crackling jolts of chill running up and down my spine. I took my place between James and Chanelle and tried to control my ragged breathing as Rana was the last to climb out.

Maya slammed the van doors closed and stepped in front of us. "You see this place?" She asked gesturing around her. "This is the last place you'll ever see, unless i decided for other things to happen to you. Any guesses what they may be?" She asked with a sickening sweet smile.

"You're planning on selling the best of us and keeping the rest for the sadistic loons who work and pay for us." James spat defiantly, clearly not afraid. I wished i could be that brave but i just stood silently, praying for everyone to die on the spot.

Maya smiled and nodded. "That's right James." She stepped closer to him so her face was right up in his. "But don't you ever speak to me like that again." She hissed in his ear before pulling back and launching a well aimed kick in his balls.

James cried out and buckled down to his knees, his hands slapped down on the ground as he groaned and clutched his crotch. He sputtered and breathed heavily, "son of a bitch." He managed.

"You're making it worse for your friends Adams. The more you shit around, the more i'll hurt them." She sang giddily then turned back to the rest of us with a plum coloured fingernail between her teeth.

"Now, i'll start going down the line telling you what i'll do with you and what you will do for me and if anyone steps out of line again i'll just make you pay for it afterwards. Any questions? No. Good."

She walked down the line to Caroline who was trembling tearfully away from the woman and almost reaching out for her boyfriend. Maya laughed, "you sweety will not do well if you're crying all the time. Don't you feel bad for letting your boyfriend see you like this? You're making him feel worse." She teased.

Payton bit down on his teeth to stop himself from slapping sense into the girl as she carried on. "No worries though. You're pretty, so nothing a few drugs can't fix."

Then she moved on. "Payton, my old assistant. I've had girls come into my office before when you worked for me, offering to pay good money for your virginity. I considered it and now, well, it's a no brainer. Don't you think."

She walked briskly on to Rana and giggled gaily. "You my darling, for your stupid actions before will definitely be sold, probably on auction to a different and desolate country where that faggot Prince Harvey can't touch you."

Rana had tears streaming out of her eyes as Maya moved on with no emotion but happiness splayed on her face. "Chanelle!" She yelled brightly, looking her up and down. "Well, i'm not so sure about selling you." My heart did a back flip.

"But seeing as you and Prince Max Mills over here seem to have something going on i have the perfect plan for you both." She didn't go into details as she moved onto James who was standing up again but still massaging his crotch.

He shot her a hard death stare to which she smirked to. "James Adams. You have the best job of all. You're going to be able to witness all of your friends being abused and raped and battered to a pulp during the day and at night you'll be drugged and raped yourself but if the girl wants you awake we'll handcuff you." 

I stopped breathing and dropped down to my knees with the world spinning around me. Something grabbed my shoulder but i was already seeing spots and most of my vision was blackened out. My eyes lolled in the back of my head as i face planted down on the ground and felt my forehead split open and my blood spew over the gritty ground like water from a broken hose pipe.


I am officially freaking out. I just clocked today that my family are very weird and all look like someone famous.

What do i mean you ask?

I'll tell you about my weird family.

My mother looks like Kate Middleton (Duchess of Cambridge)

My older sister (with makeup on) looks like Kendall Jenner

I look like Max Mills

My younger sister looks like Princess Charlotte

And my 12 year old sister looks like a merge between Finn Wolfhard, Thomas Brodie Sangster and HARRY STYLES!

and this is not all just coming from me. I swear to you, everyone says it. 

Anyway after that weird family tree thing...

Here's a quick summary as promised exclusively from the casting chapter of my unreleased book: "Fake Love// Harvey Mills"

Harvey Mills

One of the main protoganists. He is a singer songwriter from Berkshire. He has a twin brother Max Mills whom he is usually always with and he also goes to the same school as his other brother Leo Mills who is in the same friendship group as his older brothers. Harvey Mills is 16 and has a bad reputation school, he is in a bad crowd of people and is reckless when it comes to rules. He is the second in command after James Adams.

Thank ya'll


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