Chapter XXIV

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"Harvey run!" I yelled.

The wind picked up and blew through my hair. It was cold and but at my cheeks in frustration. My eyes blinked quickly, not wanting to miss a thing. Mtg cheeks burnt red with blood, trying to keep my face warm.

My hands drew up to my lips and cupped around them as I yelled out again. "HARVEY!"

This time. Harvey turned around. He looked at me and started to run in my direction. He shot his head forward and charged toward me.

I braved myself and as he gained ground, I turned away from him and started running alongside my twin.

The wind rushing through my hair, blowing in my face and sneaking through my clothes made me feel like I was flying. I smiled and took it all in. Never wanting to let go.

I loved feeling like I was flying.I

Harvey always laughed at me as I spread my arms and imagined taking flight in the wind.

"Where would you go?" He would ask me.

I would nod and give a goofy smile. "Everywhere."

Harvey would snigger and tell me I was crazy. "You can't fly. You can't go and everywhere. You can't go anywhere." He would laugh.

"No." I would argue back. " I will go everywhere. I will see the world and when I do you won't be laughing so hard then. "

Harvey would stop teasing me then because he felt bad but it didn't stop him from thinking I was crazy. Harvey only knew what he was told. There was nothing outside for us except danger.

When I was ten I didn't believe mum when she told us stories. Stories of the outside world.

Scary stories about people who kidnapped little children. Children who starved to death, were enslaved and tortured. Children who were abused and left to die at the mercy of a psychopath.

Now, at the age of eighteen, I finally believe those stories.

I remember how I would go in the garden and air on the swing. The swing dad had put up, the one attached to the big oak tree. Dad made the swing himself. The finest steel chains held it up high and a strongest slab of wood was carved as a seat.

My small hands gripped the cold chains as my bottom plopped down happily on the hard seat. Mtg legs would kick back and forth to get me going. I was too short to reach the ground but I liked to have my feet dangle. Like I was really in the air.

Once I got in the momentum of swinging, I would close my eyes. I would breath in through my nose and exhale slowly, just listening to the nature around me.

Try it sometime.

Then I would kick back. I would tilt my body so I was almost flat and as the swing swing I would smile and listen to the wind rushing in my ears, though my hair, caressing my face.

I would feel like I was flying.

It felt amazing. Soaring through the air. Alone. No worries. No anything.

Just me and my own serenity.

It felt like I was free.

I loved flying.

But the only problem is, once you're flying, there's only one place you can go from there.

I was falling.

I was falling fast. Plummeting down, fast. I would close my eyes, try to wake up, try to scream. Nothing was happening.

The ground was coming closer. My arms wouldn't move.

My eyes scrunched shut and i felt like I was in a dream.

Do you ever get those dreams where you feel as if you're falling and then you wake up just before you hit the ground?

Well, did you know that when you have a dream like that, it means that you're soul was dying and just before you die, your body wakes you up.

You were dead for those few seconds when you saw yourself falling.

I wake up and gasp for breath. Around me is no one.

I'm drenched head to toe in slippery sweat. I smell badly and i can feel my organs losing hope. My brain going permanently numb.

Why do I always wake up?

When I was younger the thought of dying scared me. I hated it. I would run out of the room as someone mentioned the mere thought.

Now at eighteen, there's nothing I wish for more, than to fall and never wake up.


guys. Is it sad that....

The book is coming to an end?

I promise you though that that last chapter will be one you will not forget.

I love you guys so much and thank you for all the amazing comments, messages and all the voting. Thank you all so much and i love each and every one of you!


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