Chapter XXIII

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James looked up at the camera again and shook his head. "We're never getting out of here."

When he first said that to me. I didn't believe. I wouldn't believe him, maybe it was because I didn't want to believe him.

It kept playing in my mind. Knowing I was never going to get out of here. Knowing that we were going to die here because of my stupid mistakes. Because I couldn't just shut up and get on with my life.

Riley was pretty. Why couldn't I settle for her?

Chanelle was pretty too but, not the way Riley was. But, I preferred how Chanelle looked.


I didn't even know her until she kissed me and now suddenly... I'm in love with her?

Was this what Harvey had meant. There's just something about her. Every time I think of her, I feel, myself smile. She has that effect on me.

I would hate it if I lost her.


Harvey would never know.

He'll spend his life looking, searching for the girl he was in love with, when, she's already gone.

She's dead.

And it's my fault.

Now, I watch, half out of my mind as Caroline screams. My vision goes blurry and her image distorted but I can still hear her screaming. She's screaming for freedom.

For happiness.

What's happiness?

"What's happiness?" I ask myself with a giggle. "No, no happiness here." I chuckle to myself. " No, no, no." I sing.

She screams something which catches my attention. "BLOOD!"

I stop being insane for a minute and look up at the screen. Caroline is strapped upward in a chair, wearing a Straight jacket, chained to her. Her hair is half shaved off, half ripped out. Her face, unrecognisable, tears damp on her cheeks.

"What?" I ask.

She breathes in deep and lets out a long wail as I try to calm her down and get the words out of her mouth. "Caroline. Tell me. What about blood?" I ask desperately.

She looks up at me and wails again, gasping in deeply. "The blood. It's red, it covers, it glows, it sings, it shows." She sang in a melodious tune.

" What do you mean Caroline? " I pressed on further.

She looked right into my eyes and i felt my body turn cold with fear. "The blood, it shows." She pulled out of her.

Then she tilted her head back and started choking, giving and retching. Whatever was happening to her it was gruesome to watch as she hacked on her own insanity.

She inhaled and let out a throat tearing cough. I flinched as something, or somethings, flew from her lips.

My jaw dropped down instinctively as blood trickled down her chin, her red blood mixed with pink. I watched in horror as pink, rubbery, slimy chunks of raw meat dribbled into her lap.

She was coughing her insides out.

She grinned up at me, blood stains, outlining each and every tooth. "The blood is the end. The end of us." She hissed before hacking again.

More raw hunks of meat slipping down her chin and spraying across the room.

She choked violently and suddenly couldn't breath. She gasped for breath and started rocking back and forth.

Caroline opened her mouth and threw her head back as a loud cough erupted from her lungs. I heard the snap of her neck breaking harshly and then I heard nothing but the sound of my own heartbeat thudding.

I let out a deep exhale and allowed myself to look up at the screen. The camera showed Caroline from behind, her head tilted back so she was looking at me. Her mouth permanently pulled into a wide, insane smile. Bits of her lungs slipped down her face and dropped to the floor.

Another one gone.

How long would it be until the rest of us died?

Until I died?

If I did survive, people would ask me, why I was so fixated on this idea of dying. Why I had no hope. Why I didn't trust Harvey would help us.

I would answer with what I'm feeling now.

What good would surviving do? I would forever be traumatised, images never leaving my mind, haunting me. I was already on the verge of insanity.

What would I tell them?

What would I tell them?

I would tell them to truth.

I don't want to survive.


sorry I didn't update! I was at a camp.
Gilwell 24 which is basically a camp designed so that people don't go to sleep, they stay awake for 24 hours straight!

So from 6:00 am on Saturday to 3:00 pm on Sunday, I didn't sleep!

I'm so tired and i had to rewrite this chapter because Wattpad deleted it!


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