Chapter 6

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Scarlett POV

Hmm... What should I do this past weeks were kinda boring.

Laying here in the crib with only El and my parents visiting me.

my parents this time of day is usually busy...

I wish I could show them I could walk and talk , thats just seems weird .

I mean a month year old can walk and talk yup! That's supper weird..


In MRPG games they have this quest thingy that could give you awards!

I really need experience tho ...

That's it! I need some adventures quest since going to a guild in this body just seems weird .

I can make my own quest or the program (ya know the gamers ability?) Can make me one.!

What's with solemn face dear?

I forgot El is still here she must have mistaken my thinking face into a solemn one.

I did a smile so she doesn't have to worry..

Aww that's right smile ! We can't let that cute little face get wrinkles can we?

Hey I'm still a baby ya know! I murmur

She just looks at me weirdly...

*sigh* what time is it anyway? I looked at the grandfather clock and it read that's its still 6 in the morning.

Who would wake up in this ungodly hour?!

(A\N or Scarlett: duh you!)

I since it's still that early I wanna train! I whined.

But El is still here, let's knock her out shall we ?

I did the same spell last time and knocked her out..



A blue box with something on it appeared.

What's this ? It says:

congratulations! You officially earn the tittle "knocker" and earn a new passive skill!

Pshh hahaha! I earn the title knocker? Hahaha is it because I knocked Ell out every time I do something weird ?

Lol I didn't know you can do something like this..

Hitting the X button , another notification poped up.


What is it this time ?

New quest received !

Holy cow I knew something like this could happen!

Quickly hitting it the blue screen led me to an another screen in which is the inventory.


Then I saw an arrow pointing down beside the inventory with a question marks .

Hitting it , it opened into a bunch of quest raging from class SSS to class D

Let me tell you in a adventures guild there are adventurers each adventurers has ranks the lowest one is D and the highest is SSS.

(From lowest to highest)






So does the quest's theres also the beast the normals beast is around DDD,DD,And D

Magical beast on the other hand is raging from C B A SSS

anyways the quest is into different categories in their own class of course .

Under each quest has there rewards may it be money or a magical item.

Hitting the category of C , I mean its not that hard Right?

Poking the the first one there is with out checking is what so ever .

A scroll poped out with out warning and it hit me square in the face..


Opening the scroll it read their that I must slay a monster class CCC in the outskirts of the kingdom .

Under the bottom their it says return this to the nearest trader hut and I will get my reward ?.

Okayy , what's the reward anyways?

I will get one silver coin and a low healing potion .

Good trade if I saw so my self.

Putting the scroll in my inventory, I summoned a cloud and hopped on it.

Riding it to my study table getting my black journal and zooming out of my window .

Weeeeee !!! Waaaiittttt whoaaaaaa!!

I didn't noticed that my room is in the highest tower in a chamber .

Never mind that, quickly muttering "sāchi" (search)

I flew to the nearest empty training field that I located.

And hopped out .

Hmm first things first I gotta practice my magic.

(Remember the last chapter where Scarlett listed a bunch of spells ?)

Getting my journal and unlocking it I scan thorough the pages .

Oh I forgot to tell you that these last few weeks I made up some theories , that if Japanese in this world is spells what about the other language ?

So I tried that since in my past life, I learned a lot of languages in my free time .

I'm gonna practice it more , I put some spells in Greece in my journal and guess what!?

If you put spells in Greek it is more power ful than in Japanese.

Moving on , facing a tree I practiced a Greek spell

"Sfaíra" ( orb)

I chanted a orb of red gathered in my hand , I ran into the tree and hitted it.

At first it did nothing until the tree that the orb touched tired into ashes and poof dust.

*sigh* better practice it seems I have a long way to go, a long way indeed I haven't even selled my modern pen yet too..






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