Chapter 18

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Scarlett POV

I'm at my lab writing a new page full of new herbs at my journal from magical to the normal ones. Papers surrounds me filled with the latest news around the empire.

Written by the mouse from the east, everyone was talking on the tournament being held tomorrow some were betting on who will win and who will be the first to be kicked out.

I sent a few dozen wind mouse to gather some Intel about what the tournament is about, some of then trespassing and going in the faculties and listening to meetings.

Some are just around the grounds of where the tournament will be held looking for something or someone important that will give clues on what the tournament will be about.

The tournament will be held in the sky coliseum located where the school is and is in the sky so that every one will be able to fit.

well some will have to just to sit this one tournament down since the coliseum won't fit that many nobles and commoners.

If they really want to see the tournament that badly then they have to buy the temporary levitation wand, it is from the labyrinth's loots.

But I doubt that their is any left since barons from commoners background that does not have any magic will most likely have buy all the wands.

Since they most likely have no privileges to rent one of the noble sits, well at least the commoners have one other option that is to buy the feathered boots.

But I think it might be too expensive for them and too dangerous, the feathered boots are also from the loots.

And not to mention that the feathered boots are made for adventurers not for commoners, so really I pity those who won't get a sit.

Pausing my writing I opened the window to welcome the wind mouses that are carrying some papers, I let them put the papers at my desk and looked out the window.

The mouses went out again scattering in different directions, some of them going to the sky some going to the direction of the market no doubt they are off getting some new information.

I looked at the garden in front of me and seeing many different colors trees flowers and herbs, I am at my new pavilion I requested father to move my lab here at the Zephaniah pavilion.

Meaning the pavilion hidden by gods, but I wonder though if my father knows that is the meaning of the pavilion eh.

This pavilion is hidden by large number of trees more specifically the trees of Aislin meaning dream in Irish the trees are colors from red to rustic brown and the trunk is colored in dreamy white.

This pavilion as father told me was ones occupied by gods a friend of the first king the gods in their human form wanted to rest in a quiet place, the king then built this place for them.

The gods unsatisfied complained to the king one god wanted to rampage but refrained so since they are friends with the king.

The king not knowing what to do said to the gods and I quote ' I do not know what dear friend wants,thus if you are left unsatisfied then I have to ask to make this pavilion as you wish' .

The gods then considered his answer and request, they cleared out the pavilion with one blow and grew trees that are ethereal to this world the gods then made their own home isolated from the empire.

Ones done the god named this pavilion Zephaniah. sighing left the window open and got back to my sit to my desk I arrange the messy papers and read their report.


I said as I stroked my imaginary beard, the mouse reported that the tournament will be a random game they will spin a spinning wheel and see where will it stop.

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