Chapter 11

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Etto... I'm so sorry for not updating I've been really busy, school just started and the test is piling.

Not to mention writers block is such a pain, finding inspiration is difficult .

Luckily I have Pinterest , so yeah it took me a while.

Here goes nothing..

Scarlett POV

Tic.... tic.... tic....

my footsteps echo's through the hall way as I wonder around, its been two months since the incident with kecherou, and I'm officially 7 month old now ,old enough to do something.

I've been wondering, should I start collecting my flowers now?, or wait till I'm older- this has been in my mind for a while now ,

Should I let this opportunity pass? I have done nothing but train this past two month with magic, but not with my alchemist.

Summoning my journal , I flipped through the pages reading the thoughts that I wrote, the notes my schedules everything.

Just to check if Thiers , if I'm really free this day or tomorrow - its really rare for me these days to get a day off, usually my tutors would wined me up for etiquette.

If I have free time because as they i quote, although you are perfect graceful and elegant we can't help but worry your hate for dresses, and heels even jewelries.

And I also quote, your obsession over armors is quite a ruin in your perfect picture, as a princess of the most feared empire.

Just then and their i would have spat out that, exactly the most feared empire of all so its not a wonder for the daughter of the imperess and the emperor, to have an odd liking for armors.

Every time my brother would saw me like that he would just give me a sympathetic look , because he is also in the same situation.

Anyway, since today im really free I should and most likely proceed to pick out my flowers , it would make quite a fortune selling perfumes,.

Oh I forgot to mention that my father said all the money that the fief earned from my pen will belong solely to me , because I'm mature not old enough to handle the money .

Tugging my dress I proceeded to walk to the throne room which most likely where my father is , guessing its where he would stare down at the companies/mercahnts that dare to stand in his way.

Not fair, but hey it works magically,and besides I like the way they quiver and would like to pee their pants and connot because it would o most defiantly likely to put them into more trouble that they would originally planed.

I mean they are already in much trouble with their life how much would it be if they pee and stain the carpet that most likely cost more that they could imagine.

So walking past rooms , I finally arrived at the throne room, and almost bumped into a fat woman that is adorned with gold that hanged from her neck with face full of makeup.

She snared at me, with fear eveted in her eyes from still most likely from something happening with my father, before I could say something she said.

'Watch it peasant'

I raised an eyebrow and looked at her coldly that would make one die if they saw a glimpse of it , looked at her shaking form, I give props for this woman she remained standing although barley.

Im really rocking my slated noble eyes, before she could crawl away I said something that make her stop in her tracked.

'Peasant you say?'

I said in a monotone voice , as I watch her chill and stood straight, she looked at me confused and horrified , i bet shes wondering why I'm not apologizing to, clearly this woman thinks so highly of her self.

'Ye-yes! Peasant who do you think you are do you know who I am runt!?'

I looked at her from head to toe as if I'm looking at trash, I think this made her furious, but before she could yel some more., I said .

' question is do you know who I am?'

Before she could retort , grabbed her fatty arm with my home made silk gloves the first ever silk that I made with my slimes, and proceeds to skip as my red hair flowed behind me and called out.


Father looked up from staring down a fatty man just like the woman is adorned with gold although this one he is adorned from head to toe, I think this is the womans husband , the man who is now pale as snow as he saw the woman in my hands with utmost horror.

I looked back at the woman to see what her reaction is and by the looked of it she is really ready for death to take her , no seriously she lookes like she's about to faint, I think the only reason she's not fainting is because of the people around the room.

Ah, pride is really taking this woman to death isn't she 😥😩

Father handsomely smiled at me and beckoned me to come forward to the throne and sit in his lap, even though I have my throne next to my mother's throne I obliged.

I dropped the fat woman's arm making her kneel beside her husband, this action made the servant smirk , and some to stiffle a lough, and the woman's look is priceless ,

For the time being this action and fathers smile sparks some greedy eye at father and jealous stares at me , some even looked as if father was a meat.

I looked at every one of the woman at the room who looked greedy and jealousy, and shot every one of them a cold look , literally I made sure to add an chilly effect magic and , little and little their lips turned pale.

Every one shivered and tried to back away as far as they could gracious me , my father shot me a knowing look . I smiled at him with clear mischief through my eyes.


We looked up to see my mother and brother , standing side by side maids filled in the room , sorounding the entire throne room head low with respect.

'What's going on here'

My mother said , walking to to her throne picking me up kissing me in the fore head , with brother hot on her tail, brother also kissed my forehead.

Now the whole royal family have arrived , we looked as if we are gods and goddesses sitting along with useless mortals.

We looked to the pathetic nobles to see them , face to the ground closing their eyes as if their life depend on it.

'What's seems the problem here dear?'

Mother asked , I looked at her with fake teary eye, which she shot me a look with pure amusement, sometimes I think my evilness came from my mother.

'She bumped into and called 'we' a runt'

I looked at the woman to see her tense and quiver then faint, the husband didn't do anything but lower his head lower.

'Oh? What should 'we' punish you with'

Mother questioned with an evil glint.

' the fief shall not have any connection with thy, consider this as a mercyful warning , instead of your lives being taken'

My father replied nocholantly, I pouted and brother looked at me shaking his head, I shrugged my shoulders as I said.

' all of you are dismissed'

And my words are absolute , in that they scrambled dragging the fat woman away.

Alone in the throne room , father asked what brings you hear dear, asked my mom as the maid poured her tea.

Ummmmm....... Oh I forgot


Sorry again

Anyway this chapter belongs to all that voted in this pathetic story of mine.

Thanks for reading


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