chapter one

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10 years ago

"Mommy, please don't make me. I'll be good, I promise." I begged with warm tears streaming down my light brown mocha cheeks.

At ten years old I honestly didn't understand why I was being punished. I never got in trouble that was always Tabitha, my younger step sister. She was always in trouble but never had to do this for some reason.

I was the good one! But yet I was the one who had to go through this hell. Why was I being punished?

I knew the only time my mom woke me up at this time of night while my sister was asleep was because he wanted me.

"Shhh! Do you want to wake up, Tab?" She questioned looking up at me. Shaking my head, I pushed back the terrible memory of the last time I woke her up. I was bruised for weeks after he was done with me.

"Good. Now let's go take a bath." She said putting her hand out for me to grab. Hesitantly, I grabbed it following her out of my room.

Every time she did this I lost a chunk of love and trust toward her.

Now sitting in the warm bath water I cried silently while my mom brushed my hair humming softly to herself. Lauryn Hill beautiful voice filled the bathroom slightly calming my nerves. After a while she told me to get out.

She dried me off then moisturized me down in baby oil and baby lotion. Not speaking to one another I stared in space as she neatly pulled my curly black hair into a nice bun on the top of my head just the way he liked it.

After brushing my teeth, she started on my makeup. Looking up at her, I searched for any type of emotion to appear on her face but sadly none appeared. It was like she didn't care what he did to me behind close doors.

"Just breath everything will be alright." She told me fixing the tight red dress I was now wearing.

I didn't say anything as she knocked on her bedroom door. My heart pounded through my chest as we waited for him to open the bedroom door. He soon open the brown wooden door revealing himself. Thomas, my step dad, he wearing a black towel around his white string waist with water droplet on his chest dedicating he had finishing taking a shower.

I sucked up the tears in the back of my throat. He smiled looking at me before turning back into the room. My softly pushed me in the room, with my heart pounding and my body shaking with fear. He walked toward me talking in my appearance with his light blue eyes.

"I got it from here." He said in his deep dominant voice looking up at my mom telling her to exit with his gesture before looking back at me. I turned to my mother pleading her with my eyes one last time, but she just stared at me for a second then exited tearing out the last piece of my heart out my chest.

He squatted down to me so we were eye level. "You look very beautiful, baby girl." He said touching my keep causing me to flinch.

"Th-ank you, Thomas," I replied shakily.

"Calm down," he smiled standing back up and dropping his towel revealing his naked body.

"Come on, baby girl. Let me make you feel good," He said patting the bed.


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