***Chapter Nineteen***

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My back hit my bed softy as Leo climbed on top of me shirtless. Examining his tatted chest I lifted my eyes to his lips as he collided his on mine.

His hands pulled at my black leggings, I assisted him by lifting up slightly letting him remove them from my legs without removing his lips from mine.

He gripped my thick thighs tying it around his torso tightly. He picked me up as our moist tongue massaged each other's slowly. He placed im the middle of the bed, so my head was near the large headboard. He pulled away from the kiss I licked my slightly swollen lips removing my crop top.

Holding his phone he pushed a button before throwing it on the bed stand.

"You're so beautiful." He complimented over the slow R&B music that was now playing in my room. It played at the perfect volume to smother out my future screams of pleasure but it wasn't loud that it disturbed the others who were sleeping.

"Thank you." Kissing me again my body reacted on its own. I arched against him accepting his tongue inside of mouth again. The way he kissed me drove me insane. It was wet, slow, and nasty.

His hands traveled up my back until he reached my bra unclipping it revealing my large round plumb breast and my chocolate chip suckable nipples.

He slid his tongue down my neck to my breast. My breathing became heavier and butterflies wrestled in my belly.

His tongue swirled against my right nipple as he used his free hand to tug and massaging on my left. I moaned lowly feeling a puddle create between my thick brown thighs.

He repeated on the opposite breasts. Nibbling on my nipple gently I moaned. He began slobbering and sucking on it like a baby. I exhaled heavy feeling my thighs getting slicker because of my juices that were dripping from my throbbing paradise.

He planted soft slow kisses down my flat belly. I watched him intensely and impatiently.

He lifted his eyes up contacting with mine. Staring into my eyes intensely, he bit on my panty line with his perfect white teeth pulling my panties down keeping eye contact with me. The sexual tension was so powerful it felt unreal.

Now only wearing his boxers I laid naked before him. I ran my fingers through my messy curls as it stuck to my hot skin.

I couldn't put it up because Leo love when my hair is down.

I watched him as his eyes traveled every inch of my body. He was memorizing every inch of body.

"I'm so damn lucky to have you." He smiled leaning down kissing my lips.

I smiled kissing him back as he propped my legs open widely. I sucked on his bottom lip tenderly holding the side of his face. He slightly pulled away before taking my bottom lip into his mouth.

His hands slid down between my legs. He dipped two fingers inside of me testing the waters. I gasped out, he took his opportunity and removed his lips from mine.

He thrusted his fingers inside of my painfully slow as his tongue flicked against my throbbing clitoris rapidly.

I cried out in pleasure arching back my gripping the sheets. Chills ran down spine from the unexplainable pleasure I was receiving from my man.

"Oh, please don't stop." I begged throatily moaning lowly. Peeling my eyes opened I looked down at him as he ate me out.

The movement of his tongue turned me on more. He looked up at me again smiling slightly as he sucked on my lips causing the orgasm to slowly fade way.

He noticed and slid his long wet pink tongue up to my clitoris. He slowly used his tongue and started spelling out his name.

My mouth agape as no sound came from my lips. He slowly wrote the letter A against me for his middle name August.

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