chapter seventeen

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"Good morning," I sighed sitting at the table with Mammy, Tabitha, and my mother. I wasn't surprised that Thomas also tagged along which is why Leo came with me. I exhaled looking up at Tabitha who sat in the middle of them.

It was Sunday which meant it was time for this dinner to settle shit.

"Okay, thank you for coming." She said.

"Let's cut the bullshit," Mammy spoke causing me to look at her in surprise. She was done had enough of this drama clearly.

"Tasha! You should be ashamed of yourself. You know what happened.. why are you wasting everyone's damn time? What's the point of all this?"

"Listen," Thomas started speaking causing chills to skate through my body.

"I did my time. I made a mistake.. I understand that but you know I talked to Tabitha and she forgave me." I looked over to Tabitha surprised, her heavy eyes looked away from me.

"And she told me about Ryann, my daughter, and I will like to meet her but I have a restraining order which prevents me from that. So let's be adults huh?"

"Let be adults...." I chuckled sarcastically at his comment.

"So y'all told Tabitha everything huh?" I asked looking up at them.

"Don't start with the lies," My mom sighed rolling her eyes.

"What liesss?" I sighed rolling my eyes. "So I guess my mom waking me up on random evenings make me bath, so my makeup then take me to you was a mistake?" I chuckled growing emotional. I swallowed the tears watching Tabitha cover her face with her hands. "How many times was it?" I asked him. "It definitely was more than ten times.. that wasn't a mistake. And I'll be dammed if my daughter will ever meet the two of you," I said looking over to my mom.

"Just leave us alone. You have the perfect family you always wanted. And Tabitha you're always be sister and I'll love you but for now on leave us the hell alone. You picked your side...keep that same energy." I said standing up.

"Well... I guess we'll have to take it to the courts," Thomas said.

"Mann fuck you," I said flicking him off and grabbing my purse leaving Leo to get Mammy while I waited in the car.

On the way home, Leo was extremely quiet and Mammy was rambling to herself about what just occurred. I sat quiet listening to my Air Pods trying to forget what just happened. My sisters.. betrayed me. This was insane.. all I've done for her.

"You got it Suga Mama?" Leo asked Mammy.

"Yeah, I got it," She chuckled getting herself out the car while I stayed put. We waited until she got in the house before driving off to get the girls from Levi.

"Baby," Leo said tapping my thigh.


"We need to talk about what just happened," he said merging on the highway.

"I really don't want to."

"Rylee listen we need to talk about it now." He said, I rolled my eyes and removed my Air Pods giving him my attention.

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